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extract values from same element/attribute name but different att. value


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I have the following XML code<gene><name type="primary">SLC2A3</name><name type="synonym">GLUT3</name></gene>i m trying to get the values as<field name="gene_name">SLC2A3</field><field name="gene_aliases">GLUT3</field>If i try using for-each loop i would get the output for the same field name and without for-each loop i get only the first value (gene_name = SLC2A3), how do I get the different values using the attribute name??Another query is with the XML code as follows:<dbReference type="GeneID" id="6515" key="45" /><dbReference type="KEGG" id="hsa:6515" key="46" /><dbReference type="UCSC" id="uc001qtr.1" key="47">I have to output the data such that I want only the id: 6515...how can i do this??Kindly help me..any help is appreciated..Thank you..

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<xsl:template match="gene/name[@type = 'primary']">  <field type="gene_name"><xsl:value-of select="."/></field></xsl:template><xsl:template match="gene/name[@type = 'synonym']">  <field type="gene_aliases"><xsl:value-of select="."/></field></xsl:template>

should suffice (as long as you processing of those templates is reached with apply-templates; the default templates do that).

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@ Martin. Thank you for your reply...I really appreciate your help..could you,also, please help me with my second querythe XML code is as follows:<dbReference type="PRIDE" id="O15403" key="28" /><dbReference type="GeneID" id="6515" key="45" /><dbReference type="KEGG" id="hsa:6515" key="46" /><dbReference type="UCSC" id="uc001qtr.1" key="47">I have to output the data such that I want only the id: 6515...how can i do this??Thank you

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