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php_replace_callback to replace in array?


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hi there,can't seem to find much relative reference for using php_replace_callback to replace strings within an array of strings...here are the functions used and the line that is used later in the code, after the system variables are populated.

// functions usedfunction latepost($input) {	print_r($input);	foreach ($input as $in) {		return newpost($in);	}}function newpost($key) {	if (strstr($key,"\$")!==false) {		$syskey = str_replace("\$","",$key);		return $GLOBALS[$syskey];	} else {		if ($_POST[$key]=="") {			return $GLOBALS["dynarr"][$key];		} else {			return $_POST[$key];		}	}}// only later once the variables have been created, is it indended to populate them.$sysarr = preg_replace_callback("/%([^%]+)%/",latepost,$sysarr);

and here is the array that needs replacing. only two matches in the array, mind you! yet this array is returned as it is sent to be parsed, and i do not understand why...

Array(    [service_id] => 1    [ZipCode] => 99501    [Name] => Pierre du Toit    [City] => Anchorage, 99501    [Phone] => 072-915-4799    [County] => Anchorage    [Email] => pierre@canopyxchange.za.net    [state] => Alaska    [iM] => Skype: greywacke_2k7    [Make] => FORD    [Condition] => NEW    [Model] => RANGER    [Function] => Commercial Deluxe    [Year] => 1998-LATEST    [Product] => Aluminum    [CabSize] => REGULARCAB    [Color] => COLORCODED    [bedSize] => SHORTBOX    [budget] => $1,750 plus    [Comments] => testing dynamic handler - black cap.    [Fitment] => Not within next 3 months    [$duplicates] => %$duplicates%    [$space] =>      [l360firstname] => Pierre du Toit (%$duplicates%)    [$leadid] => %$leadid%    [$formname] => TruckCapXchange    [l360makemodel] => FORD RANGER    [l360other] => REGULARCAB SHORTBOX Commercial Deluxe NEW    [$hash] => #    [l360leadid] => #%$leadid%    [$obracket] => (    [$cbracket] => ))

with this logic, %$leadid% and %$duplicates% should be replaced - but do not get... would someone please be so kind as to point out or even nudge me in the direction of finding the flaw in my logic! :S

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for some reason it is not printing the $input array either, within the latepost function... :/

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okay, will atempt this... however, in the other place where preg_replace_callback is used - the function name is passed like here 0obut i do not see how this would be different just because i am parsing an array instead of a string...unfortunately it is not finding anything - either the regular expression is not as it should be, or the $ in the array string elements might be messing it up somehow:

// "late" $sysarr element population functionsfunction latepost($input) {	print_r($input);	foreach ($input as $in) {		return newpost($in);	}}function newpost($key) {	if (strstr($key,"\$")!==false) {		$syskey = str_replace("\$","",$key);		return $GLOBALS[$syskey];	} else {		if ($_POST[$key]=="") {			return $GLOBALS["dynarr"][$key];		} else {			return $_POST[$key];		}	}}// attempted late variable population$sysarr = preg_replace_callback("/%([^%]+)%/","latepost",$sysarr);// print_r'd $sysarr AFTER preg_replace_callback :/Array(    [service_id] => 1    [ZipCode] => 99501    [Name] => Pierre du Toit    [City] => Anchorage, 99501    [Phone] => 072-915-4799    [County] => Anchorage    [Email] => pierre@canopyxchange.za.net    [state] => Alaska    [iM] => Skype: greywacke_2k7    [Make] => GMC    [Condition] => NEW    [Model] => SIERRA3500    [Function] => Commercial Deluxe    [Year] => 2007-LATEST    [Product] => Aluminum    [CabSize] => CREWCAB    [Color] => COLORCODED    [bedSize] => SHORTBOX    [budget] => $1,750 plus    [Comments] => testing dynamic handler - BLACK CAP    [Fitment] => Not within next 3 months    [$append] => [b]%$append%[/b]    [$space] =>      [l360firstname] => Pierre du Toit ([b]%$append%[/b])    [$leadid] => [b]%$leadid%[/b]    [$formname] => TruckCapXchange    [l360makemodel] => GMC SIERRA3500    [l360other] => CREWCAB SHORTBOX Commercial Deluxe NEW    [$hash] => #    [l360leadid] => #[b]%$leadid%[/b]    [$obracket] => (    [$cbracket] => ))

note the sections of the array strings which were supposed to be replaced by the callbacks (demarkated in bold on the $sysarr array). the variables $leadid and $append are supposed to be replaxced by their $GLOBAL values - why do they not, despite referring to the function as a string! :S

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it gets sent an array of references to various strings to get, which it is then supposed to retrieve the value for either from the $GLOBALS array (a collection of page variables), $sysarr array (all the variable arrays) or $_POST array (posted data) by calling the newpost function, passing the individual array elements (which are variable names if detected between %'s.the matches from the search usually get passed by preg_replace_callback are usually sent as an array. i was attempting to print_r() this array of matches from within this function, but to no avail! :/preg_replace_callback runs the callback function, which gets sent an array with [0] the match and [1] the first bracket of the regular expression. one is supposed to return the replacement.

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okay, i created a test page to perform the same function, with expected results however.

<?phpfunction newpost($key) {	if (is_array($key)) {		return newpost($key[1]);	}	if (strstr($key,'$')!==false) {		$syskey = str_replace('$','',$key);		return $GLOBALS[$syskey];	} else {		if ($_POST[$key]=='') {			return $GLOBALS['dynarr'][$key];		} else {			return $_POST[$key];		}	}}$dynarr = array(		'one'=>'111',		'two'=>'222',		'three'=>'33333',		'four'=>'4444',		'five'=>'5555'	);$test = array(	'element one',	'element %two%',	'element %$three%',	'element %four%',	'element %$five%',	);$three = 'blah!';$five = 'bleh!!';	$test = preg_replace_callback('/%([^%]+)%/',newpost,$test);	print_r($test);?>

and here is the result of this page:

Array(	[0] => element one	[1] => element 222	[2] => element blah!	[3] => element 4444	[4] => element bleh!!)

in otherwords it works as expected! however the implemented one does not. the only difference between the two implementations are arrays of length 5 used here, and the $dynarray (instead of test) has a length of 32! in the live implementation, $dynarr is used to store variables to replace with if not a page variable, eg concatenated values. it is also the array that is replaced on. if a variable was not available at the time of the $dynarray creation - it inserts a % enclosed representation of the variable. these are what i need to replace! :/

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yes it would seem so... but why? what needs to change in order to get it to work? :S

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