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xml slideshow: alpha tweening array element's (sprites).


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hi there, the lines in question are marked in bold (these lines are commented at the moment otherwise it does some unexpected tweening and only on the first sprite!). i need to let the images fade in over the last one:

import flash.events.Event;import flash.net.URLLoader;import flash.net.URLRequest;import flash.display.Loader;import flash.utils.Timer;import flash.events.TimerEvent;import flash.display.Sprite;import flash.display.Bitmap;import flash.display.BitmapData;import fl.transitions.Tween;var imagesXML:XML;var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();var imageLoader:Array = new Array();var imageHolder:Array = new Array();[b]var alphaTween:Array = new Array();[/b]var imageTimer:Timer;var path:Array = new Array();var delay:uint;var tween:Number;var n:uint=0;var d:uint=0;var o:uint=0;xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, xmlLoaded);xmlLoader.load(new URLRequest("http://www.ptbh.co.za/swf/img.xml"));function xmlLoaded(e:Event):void {	imagesXML = new XML(xmlLoader.data);	imageLoader[d] = new Loader();	imageLoader[d].contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, showImage);	trace((n+1) + " images detected");	for (var i:uint = 0; i < imagesXML.pic.length(); i++) {		path[i] = imagesXML.pic[i].@path;		trace(path[i] + " noted");	}	imageLoader[d].load(new URLRequest(path[d]));	delay = uint(imagesXML.delay[0].@display);	tween = uint(imagesXML.delay[0].@tween)/1000;}function showImage(e:Event):void {	//this.contentLoaderInfo.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, showImage);	var tempBitmap:Bitmap = e.target.content;	var tempBitmapData:BitmapData = tempBitmap.bitmapData;	imageHolder[d] = new Sprite();	var loadBitmap:Bitmap = new Bitmap(tempBitmapData);	imageHolder[d].addChild(loadBitmap);	addChild(imageHolder[d]);	imageHolder[d].x = 13;	imageHolder[d].y = 0;	setChildIndex(imageHolder[d],2);	imageHolder[d].visible = false;	trace(path[d] + " downloaded");	d++;	if (d < path.length) {		imageLoader[d] = new Loader();		imageLoader[d].contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, showImage);		imageLoader[d].load(new URLRequest(path[d]));	} else {		loader_mc.visible = false;		imageTimer = new Timer(delay);		trace(delay + " millisecond timer created");		imageTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, nextImage);		nextImage();	}}function nextImage(e:TimerEvent = null):void {	imageTimer.stop();	for (var i:uint = 0; i < imageHolder.length; i++) {		if (i == n) {			imageHolder[n].visible = true;			[b]imageHolder[n].alpha = 0;			alphaTween[n] = new Tween(imageHolder[n],"alpha",null,0,1,tween,true);[/b]		} else if (i != o) {			imageHolder[i].visible = false;		}	}	o = n;	if (n < imageHolder.length) {		n++;	} else {		n = 0;	}	imageTimer.start();}

and here is a look at the xml document which sets the display time for the sprites, and the tween time to fade in, as well as the images:

<pics>	<delay display="4000" tween="1000"/>	<pic path="http://www.ptbh.co.za/swf/000.jpg"/>	<pic path="http://www.ptbh.co.za/swf/001.jpg"/>	<pic path="http://www.ptbh.co.za/swf/002.jpg"/>	<pic path="http://www.ptbh.co.za/swf/003.jpg"/>	<pic path="http://www.ptbh.co.za/swf/004.jpg"/>	<pic path="http://www.ptbh.co.za/swf/005.jpg"/>	<pic path="http://www.ptbh.co.za/swf/006.jpg"/>	<pic path="http://www.ptbh.co.za/swf/007.jpg"/>	<pic path="http://www.ptbh.co.za/swf/008.jpg"/>	<pic path="http://www.ptbh.co.za/swf/009.jpg"/>	<pic path="http://www.ptbh.co.za/swf/010.jpg"/>	<pic path="http://www.ptbh.co.za/swf/011.jpg"/>	<pic path="http://www.ptbh.co.za/swf/012.jpg"/>	<pic path="http://www.ptbh.co.za/swf/013.jpg"/>	<pic path="http://www.ptbh.co.za/swf/014.jpg"/>	<pic path="http://www.ptbh.co.za/swf/015.jpg"/></pics>

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haha! success at last! this issue is now RESOLVED!!! :)3 layers, top layer only got loading movieclip labelled loader_mc and the actionscript below.first and second layers only have diff colored rectangles over each other as borders.

import flash.events.Event;import flash.net.URLLoader;import flash.net.URLRequest;import flash.display.Loader;import flash.utils.Timer;import flash.events.TimerEvent;import flash.display.Sprite;import flash.display.Bitmap;import flash.display.BitmapData;import fl.transitions.Tween;var imagesXML:XML;var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();var imageLoader:Array = new Array();var imageHolder:Array = new Array();var alphaTween:Array = new Array();var imageTimer:Timer;var path:Array = new Array();var delay:uint;var tween:Number;var n:uint=0;var d:uint=0;var o:uint=0;xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, xmlLoaded);xmlLoader.load(new URLRequest("http://www.ptbh.co.za/swf/img.xml"));function xmlLoaded(e:Event):void {	imagesXML = new XML(xmlLoader.data);	imageLoader[d] = new Loader();	imageLoader[d].contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, showImage);	trace((n+1) + " images detected");	for (var i:uint = 0; i < imagesXML.pic.length(); i++) {		path[i] = imagesXML.pic[i].@path;		trace(path[i] + " noted");	}	imageLoader[d].load(new URLRequest(path[d]));	delay = uint(imagesXML.delay[0].@display);	tween = Number(imagesXML.delay[0].@tween);}function showImage(e:Event):void {	//this.contentLoaderInfo.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, showImage);	var tempBitmap:Bitmap = e.target.content;	var tempBitmapData:BitmapData = tempBitmap.bitmapData;	imageHolder[d] = new Sprite();	var loadBitmap:Bitmap = new Bitmap(tempBitmapData);	imageHolder[d].addChild(loadBitmap);	addChild(imageHolder[d]);	imageHolder[d].x = 13;	imageHolder[d].y = 0;	setChildIndex(imageHolder[d],2);	imageHolder[d].visible = false;	trace(path[d] + " downloaded");	d++;	if (d < path.length) {		imageLoader[d] = new Loader();		imageLoader[d].contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, showImage);		imageLoader[d].load(new URLRequest(path[d]));	} else {		loader_mc.visible = false;		imageTimer = new Timer(delay);		trace(delay + " millisecond timer created");		imageTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, nextImage);		nextImage();	}}function nextImage(e:TimerEvent = null):void {	imageTimer.stop();		imageHolder[n].visible = true;	imageHolder[n].alpha = 0;	if (n!=o) {		setChildIndex(imageHolder[o],3);		var t = setTimeout(hideHolder,tween,o);	}	setChildIndex(imageHolder[n],4);	alphaTween[n] = new Tween(imageHolder[n],"alpha",null,0,1,tween/1000,true);		o = n;	if (n < imageHolder.length - 1) {		n++;	} else {		n = 0;	}		imageTimer.start();}function hideHolder( {	imageHolder[b].visible = false;}

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