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How to change attribute based on certain conditions


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Hi,I have a piece of XML and am looking to change one attribute value if certain conditons are met, but although I can get my xsl to meet the criteria, the subsequent change of value to an existing element is not working. The XML looks like this:<tradeHeader> <otherPartyReference href="AAAAAA"/> <partyRole> <partyReference href="Y123"/> <role>Taker</role> </partyRole> <partyRole> <partyReference href="X123"/> <role>Maker</role> </partyRole></tradeHeader>I want to be able to say:if (partyRole/Taker and partyReference href=Y123) and otherPartyReference href="AAAAAA" then set otherPartyReference href="BBBBBB" otherwise don't change anything.Can anyone help?CheersMitch

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I think the following should work:

<xsl:templace match="tradeHeader[string(partyRole/role) = 'Taker']/otherPartyReference[@href = 'AAAAAA']/@href">	<xsl:copy>BBBBBB</xsl:copy></xsl:template><xsl:template match="node()|@*">	<xsl:copy>		<xsl:apply-templates/>	<xsl:copy></xsl:template>

The idea is to gather all nodes you want replaced in a single match expression for a template, and copy the rest. In this case, you also want to copy the attribute itself, but with a new value, which is why <xsl:copy> was also used there.

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Thanks! Getting closer perhaps but the output now looks like this, for example, <otherPartyReference/> <partyRole> <partyReference/> <role>Taker</role> </partyRole>so the otherPartyReference is now blank and the href attribute has gone missing from the partyReferenceAny ideas?CheersMitch

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I don't know why I remember attributes were also matched... maybe I've confused this with cases where I "manually" executed such templates.Well, here's one that this time I tested and I'm sure it works:

	<xsl:template match="tradeHeader[string(partyRole/role) = 'Taker']/otherPartyReference[@href = 'AAAAAA']">		<xsl:copy>			<xsl:copy-of select="@*[name(.)!='href']" />			<xsl:attribute name="href">BBBBBB</xsl:attribute>			<xsl:apply-templates/>		</xsl:copy>	</xsl:template>	<xsl:template match="*">		<xsl:copy>			<xsl:copy-of select="@*" />			<xsl:apply-templates/>		</xsl:copy>	</xsl:template>

Same idea, only now the unmodified attributes are copied "manually".

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Let me try not to spoil you by giving you copy&paste stuff all the time :) .It's on the same premise as the "Taker" check, in the same predicate, and it has "and" as a separator between it and the existing check. Ideas?

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Just to round off this thread, I now have it working with all criteria <xsl:template match="tradeHeader[string(partyRole/role) = 'Taker' and partyRole/partyReference/@href = 'A123']/otherPartyReference[@href = 'AAAAAA']">Thanks for your superb helpIf you are ever in London, beer is on me

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