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JQuery UI Sortable Issue


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I'm trying to use the JQuery UI sortable feature, but I'm having problems. It seems that if I change the display property on the sortable elements, the thing glitches a bit.I'm on a private server, so I can't give you a site to see what's happening, but I can give you the code I'm playing with:JQuery:

$(document).ready(	function()	{			$("div.widget-board").sortable(			{				addClasses: false,				containment: "parent",				handle: "p.mover",				revert: true,				stack: "div.widget",				tolerance: "pointer"			}		);	});


div.widget{	background-color: white;	border: 2px solid black;	display: inline-block;						height: 200px;	margin: 20px;	width: 200px;}


<div class="widget-board">	<div class="widget">		<p class="mover">Move me</p>		<p>I'm a widget</p>	</div>	<div class="widget">		<p class="mover">Move me</p>		<p>I'm another widget</p>	</div></div>

When you try to sort them horizontally, the one you're swapping with (not the one you are dragging) jumps down a little. Anyone know why this is happening?Edit It's probably worth noting that I use these external scripts:

<script type="text/javascript" src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.5.0/jquery.min.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.8.9/jquery-ui.min.js"></script>

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why did you change the display? Are you trying to get them all on one line? You might want to consider floating them instead.

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why did you change the display? Are you trying to get them all on one line? You might want to consider floating them instead.
When I tried floating them once, it broke (a glitch of the same manner-ish). But it seems to work on now.Thanks =)
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I'm doing this on a different machine, and the float bug is present here.When I try to move divs after applying a float: right, the element will move to be above the container. I can drag it back and forth up there, but it does not enter back into the container, and it does not do any switching.Edit: The answer to this issue is that if you float the divs and don't set a height for the container, it will become zero, thus creating issues if you set the container option to parent. I set a height on the parent and it works fine now.

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