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problem loading values in the listbox


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hello experts i am struggling to load the values in listboxthis is my xml file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="test.xsl"?><employee><employeeForm name="employeeform"> <field name="enter the id" id="empId" type="text" nodeValue="empid"></field><field name="enter the name" id="empName" type="text" nodeValue="empname"></field><field name="enter the department" id="empDept" type="text" nodeValue="empdept"></field><field name="enter the role" id="empRole" type="text" nodeValue="emprole"></field><field name="known languages" id="empOptions" type="checkbox" nodeValue="empoptions"></field><field name="select location" id="empLoc" type="dropdown" nodeValue="emploc">	<listOptions>			<option>Option-1</option>		<option>Option-2</option>		<option>Option-3</option>	</listOptions>	</field></employeeForm></employee>

this is my piece of code in xslt

<select multiple="multiple">					<for-each select="field/listOptions/*">							<option><xsl:value-of select="node()"/></option>					</for-each>					</select>					</xsl:if>

i should get the values in listbox one by one like thisoption-1option-2option-3but i am getting the value as option-1 option-2 option-3please help me in solvuing this issue

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