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[issue] Problem with CSS and viewing page


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I am working on building a website for a church, and am having a trouble with one page. The other pages on the site display properly, but this one doesn't seem to be pulling properties from the stylesheet. I'll put the links to the pages below, since I use php includes for a good chunk of the code.www.galroth.com/arial(The site)www.galroth.com/arial/about.html(Working example)www.galroth.com/arial/prayer.html(Bad page)www.galroth.com/arial/style.css(stylesheet)What am I doing wrong that is keeping this one page from displaying properly?

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1. You are relying on absolute positioning for items that can be positioned in better ways. You don't notice the problem on other pages because your major blocks are all positioned absolutely. It bites you on the prayer page because:2. I think you gave an element the id "body" when you meant it to be "home." Since "#body" is not defined, that div behaves normally. That's a problem because positioning something absolutely takes it out of the flow. (The other elements behave as if the absolute elements is not there.) So the div named "body" thinks it should start at the top of the page.Obviously, fixing the id will help a lot. In the future, I recommend learning to position items with rules for display, float, clear, and margins. Use position rules only as a last resort.EDIT. The correct links should be http://www.galroth.com/arial/about.php and http://www.galroth.com/arial/prayer.php

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I admit I am confused.The text is there. It is POSITIONED in the top left of the screen. But I don't know why.try removing the background image on the BAD PAGE and you should see your text.One potential problem:in your code you have
<div id="body"> 			<p class="center"> 			<span class="head1">Prayer Request Form</span> 			<br /><br />

but there is no #BODY in your style sheetI wonder if BODY is a reserved word and causes the element to position int he top left where the BODY would normally start.try removing id=body to see what happens. if that resolves the issue then use a different ID.....Guy

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