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SSL and non-SSL pages on same site


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Hi,I am using VirtualHosts on an apache server. I have multiple non-SSL sites working fine on port 80. I have added an SSL site on port 443 and it works fine. My problem is that I have a few pages/images on the SSL site that I can't access using SSL. If I add a virtual host for port 80 after the port 443 as shown below, all sites on the server redirect to the settings for port 80 for this particular site.

<VirtualHost *:443>ServerName www.site.comServerAlias site.comDirectoryIndex index.phpDocumentRoot "/var/www/site.com/"SSLEngine onSSLOptions +StrictRequireSSLCertificateFile /etc/ssl/certs/server.crtSSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/ssl/private/server.key<Directory "/var/www/site.com/">allow from allOptions +Indexes</Directory></VirtualHost><VirtualHost www.site.com:80> (also tried *:80)DirectoryIndex index.phpDocumentRoot "/var/www/site.com/"ServerName site.comServerAlias www.site.com<Directory "/var/www/site.com/">allow from allOptions +Indexes</Directory></VirtualHost>

How do I get the other sites to avoid this?Thanks

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