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sessions question


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Hey I have recently completed sign up and log in forms for a site I am working on and now that I can log in I am wondering weather I have to start session on every page viewable after logging in or if the session stays connected as I surf through the pages.I have provided what code I used to log in below in case you need to see it.check login.php

<?phpinclude("connection.php");$username= $_POST['username'];$password= $_POST['password'];// check if username and passwords match$checkuser= "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '$username' and password = '$password'";$result=mysql_query($checkuser);$count=mysql_num_rows($result);if ($count == 1){session_register("username");session_register("password");header("location:login_success.php");}else {echo "Wrong Username or Password";}?>




<html><head><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="gamestyles.css" /> </head><title> the site</title>	<body bgcolor="black">			<h1 align="center" class="one"> Welcome to the site </h1>				<h1 align="center" class="one"> <a href="drugmarket.html"> CLICK HERE TO ENTER</a> </h1>	</body>	</html>

Basically asking if I need to add any php session code to welcome.php and of course the pages viewable in the rest of the members only area.

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I don't recommend using session_register() and session_is_registered(). The PHP manual states that they are deprecated and shouldn't be relied on.Talking about deprecated, the bgcolor attribute is deprecated as well.

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Yep, you have to initiate sessions on pages you want to limit to users only.
thank you
I don't recommend using session_register() and session_is_registered(). The PHP manual states that they are deprecated and shouldn't be relied on.Talking about deprecated, the bgcolor attribute is deprecated as well.
How should I go about using an alternative for session_register() And session_is_registered()?and as for bgcolor i have been meaning to set up a style for body in my style sheet, just been a bit lazy on that lol.
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you can use super global array $_SESSION['username']='somename'and as you can do to check a variable has been set or not you can do it with also. eg isset()eg if(isset($_SESSION['username']))

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you can use super global $_SESSION array to assign....$_SESSION['username']='somename'and as you can do to check a variable has been set or not you can do it with also. eg isset()eg if(isset($_SESSION['username']))

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