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uploading files setting target window


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I have a simple form to upload images but the action="upload_file.php" opens a new(replacement) window and when that window is closed I lose the page I was on. I need to return to the original window. PHP being server side gives me a problem of directing the user so I would like to change the html in the original form to set the action to open the php result in a new(additonal) window and set the window size to small such as width="300" and heigh="200" so that the original wondow can still be seen underneath.Can I set 'target' within the form action html?

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you could just use AJAX to send a GET request to the server and have the form processed that way, and then after the request submits successfully and get's whatever response you need, you can open up a window and pass the data on the query string.Personally, accessibility guidelines dictate that a user should determine how a new window is opened, either as a "pop-up" or in the same window pane. You can also have the form submit to itself, which means the form and the upload_file.php are the same page, and then you can use PHP and conditional statements to execute some sort of desired behavior/functionality upon a successful submit case.

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Thankyou for your reply 'thescientist' but you just made me feel like I'd been slapped with a wet fish. I did not understand a word.However, by trying to solve the problem myself I have found that putting 'target="_blank"' in the opening form command, I acheive exactly what I want with Firefox but IE simply reports 'Invalid file'. Can anyone please help around this little problem. And please no jargon! I am but a simple photographer with an interest in doing my own website.

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