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Simple TXT search


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Pretty simple thing:here's my code;

Enter website name in this format: www.site.tld (TLDs are .com, .net, .co etc):<br/><form method="post" action="index.php"><input type="text" name="ur"/><input type="submit" value="Check"/></form><?php$c = $_POST['ur'];$bado = fopen("bad.txt","r");$bad = $bado;fclose($bado);$goodo = fopen("good.txt","r");$good = $goodo;fclose($goodo);$neuo = fopen("neu.txt","r");$neu = $neuo;fclose($neuo);//Checksif ($c){if (substr_count($bad, $c) > 0){$stat = "Bad";}elseif (substr_count($good, $c) > 0){$stat = "Good";}elseif (substr_count($neu, $c) > 0){$stat = "Neutral";}else{$stat = "Not in our database";}if ($stat == "Bad"){echo "<h2><font color=red>The website $c has a bad record</font></h2>";}elseif ($stat == "Good"){echo "<h2><font color=lime>The website $c has a good record</font></h2>";}elseif ($stat == "Neutral"){echo "<h2><font color=yellow>The website $c has a neutral</font></h2>";}else{echo "<h2><font color=blue>The website $c has no records</font></h2>";}}?>

So, why is it always giving the no record thing?

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When you're reading from a file, you can either use fopen, fread, and fclose, or you can use file_get_contents. You're missing fread, you just open the file and close it again without reading from it.http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.fread.phphttp://www.php.net/manual/en/function.file-get-contents.phpYou can also use the file function to read a file and store the lines in an array:http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.file.phpIf each URL is on its own line, you can use file to read the lines into an array, and then use in_array to check if the string you're looking for is in the array.

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