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Why does this give a 500 error?


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I've got a file upload script for a site that does fine uploading image files and mp3s but trying to upload a wmv file causes a 500 error when calling the upload file.Here is the code:

<?php	include('../configuration.php');	mysql_connect(HOST, USER, PASS);	mysql_select_db(DATABASE);		$text = htmlspecialchars($_POST['text'], ENT_QUOTES);	$title = htmlspecialchars($_POST['title'], ENT_QUOTES);		if($_FILES["file"]["error"] > 0)	{		echo "An Error Occured: " . $_FILES["file"]["error"];		}	else	{		$file = $_FILES["file"];		$name = $file["name"];		$tmp = $file["tmp_name"];				$random = rand(0,999999999);		$writename = $random . "_" . $name;		$path = "media/$writename";				move_uploaded_file($tmp, "../" . $path);			echo "INSERT INTO media (title, text, file, type) VALUES ('$title', '$text', '$path', 'x')";					mysql_query("INSERT INTO media (title, text, file, type) VALUES ('$title', '$text', '$path', 'x')");		header("Location: mediapage.php");	}?>

The max_file_upload value is at 20MB so it should upload this 5.9MB WMV file. Is there something I'm missing?

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You can enable error logging if necessary to get the error message from PHP. You might need to enable error logging in a php.ini or htaccess file if the error happens during startup while it's procesing the uploaded file, before the code runs. Otherwise you can just use ini_set to enable error logging and use error_reporting(E_ALL) to make sure you're seeing all errors.

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