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Disappearing checkbox?


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When i first entered the login page, I thought 'what the...' is he talking about, its there in plan sight! only when i enabled javascript, through NoScript FF addon, did the checkbox disappear?, so it must be some javascript or Jquery code hiding it.

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It is set by jquery in filehttp://ravecity.tv/beauty/scripts/body/uni...uery.uniform.js(function($) { $.uniform = { options: { selectClass: 'selector', radioClass: 'radio', checkboxClass: 'checker', fileClass: 'uploader', filenameClass: 'filename', fileBtnClass: 'action', fileDefaultText: 'No file selected', fileBtnText: 'Choose File', checkedClass: 'checked', focusClass: 'focus', disabledClass: 'disabled', buttonClass: 'button', activeClass: 'active', hoverClass: 'hover', useID: true, idPrefix: 'uniform', resetSelector: false, autoHide: true }, elements: [] };and seems to be related to this function

	function doCheckbox(elem){	   var $el = $(elem);	   	   var divTag = $('<div />'),		   spanTag = $('<span />');	   	   if(!$el.css("display") == "none" && options.autoHide){		 divTag.hide();	   }	   	   divTag.addClass(options.checkboxClass); 	   //assign the id of the element	   if(options.useID && elem.attr("id") != ""){		 divTag.attr("id", options.idPrefix+"-"+elem.attr("id"));	   } 	   //wrap with the proper elements	   $(elem).wrap(divTag);	   $(elem).wrap(spanTag); 	   //redefine variables	   spanTag = elem.parent();	   divTag = spanTag.parent(); 	   //hide normal input and add focus classes	   $(elem)	   .css("opacity", 0)	   .bind({		 "focus.uniform": function(){		   divTag.addClass(options.focusClass);		 },		 "blur.uniform": function(){		   divTag.removeClass(options.focusClass);		 },		 "click.uniform touchend.uniform": function(){		   if(!$(elem).attr("checked")){			 //box was just unchecked, uncheck span			 spanTag.removeClass(options.checkedClass);		   }else{			 //box was just checked, check span.			 spanTag.addClass(options.checkedClass);		   }		 },		 "mousedown.uniform touchbegin.uniform": function() {		   divTag.addClass(options.activeClass);		 },		 "mouseup.uniform touchend.uniform": function() {		   divTag.removeClass(options.activeClass);		 },		 "mouseenter.uniform": function() {		   divTag.addClass(options.hoverClass);		 },		 "mouseleave.uniform": function() {		   divTag.removeClass(options.hoverClass);		   divTag.removeClass(options.activeClass);		 }	   });	   	   //handle defaults	   if($(elem).attr("checked")){		 //box is checked by default, check our box		 spanTag.addClass(options.checkedClass);	   } 	   //handle disabled state	   if($(elem).attr("disabled")){		 //box is checked by default, check our box		 divTag.addClass(options.disabledClass);	   } 	   storeElement(elem);	 }

EDIT:Since this is a class only reference, you could try #login_box .checker input {opacity:1 !important;} /* add filter declaration for crappy IE something like filter: alpha(opacity=100) !important; */by using id reference to login_box, it should take precedence over the class reference, and by adding '!important' it should emphasis this more.

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