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To look the same in all browsers


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I have been working on this website layout for about 3 weeks now and am finally coming to a close. The problem I'm currently having is the webpage shows good in Internet Explorer, Its decent in Google Chrome, except for the space below the footer I don't like. In FireFox my links are misplaced.See the live demo: (If it doesn't load the first time, try again in 5-10 minutes, my hosting company sucks)http://brandonroyer.com/ScreenStoryTellers

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the problem with the links could be the fact that your <i> and <b> are nested incorrectly. You should really consider using classes. For example, if before the text you have <i><b>Blah , the closing tags should be FILO (first-in, last-out) so to speak, i.e.


other than that, try validating your code, it looks like you have some straggly tags and whatnot.Without more details on what you expect to be happening vs. what is actually happening, what your opinion of 'shows good' is, it will be harder to resolve specific issues.

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