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Server Time Zulu time


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Hey I was able to get this to work before on the old script of my web site..but for some reason same style won't work...??Here is a picture of what I am trying to accomplish..servertime.jpgNow here is what I did in the header.php script to get to this point but as you see the time doesn't show just the words..

//Login Block ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////if (isset($_SESSION["user"])){		$servertime = date("g:i A");	   <<< This get the time		$zulutime = gmdate("j M Hi");	<<< This get the zulu time			$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `member_groups` WHERE `staff` = 'yes'");		$group = mysql_fetch_array($sql);		$mcredit=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `credit_member` WHERE memberid = '".$_SESSION['tid']."'");		$mcredit=mysql_fetch_array($mcredit);				// New Private Msg		$query=mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `messages` WHERE `toid`='".$_SESSION['tid']."' AND rcvddel=0  AND `active`='1' AND `grid`='1'");		$newpm=mysql_result($query,0);		// New Invites		$query2=mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `messages` WHERE `toid`='".$_SESSION['tid']."' AND `grid`='2'");		$newin=mysql_result($query2,0);		// New Friends		$query3=mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `friend_requests` WHERE `userid`='".$_SESSION['tid']."'");		$newfriends=mysql_result($query3,0);		// Total Tickets		$query4=mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `tickets` WHERE teamid='".$_SESSION['tid']."' AND `oppid`='None'");		$totalt=mysql_result($query4,0);   if($newfriends == 0)   {	  $currentf="$newfriends " . LANG_FRIEND_INVITES . "";   }   else if($newfriends == 1)   {	  $currentf="<font color='red'><b>$newfriends " . LANG_FRIEND_INVITE . "</b></font>";   }   else   {	  $currentf="<font color='red'><b>$newfriends " . LANG_FRIEND_INVITES . "</b></font>";   }   if($newpm == 0)   {	  $currentm="$newpm " . LANG_UNREAD_MESSAGES . "";   }   else if($newpm == 1)   {	  $currentm="<font color='red'><b>$newpm " . LANG_UNREAD_MESSAGE . "</b></font>";   }   else   {	  $currentm="<font color='red'><b>$newpm " . LANG_UNREAD_MESSAGES . "</b></font>";   }   if($newin == 0)   {	  $currentin="$newin " . LANG_CURRENT_TEAM_INVITES . "";   }   else if($newin == 1)   {	  $currentin="<font color='green'><b>$newin " . LANG_CURRENT_TEAM_INVITE . "</b></font>";   }   else   {	  $currentin="<font color='green'><b>$newin " . LANG_CURRENT_TEAM_INVITES . "</b></font>";   }		if($mcredit[cr] == 0)		{			$credits="<font color='red'><b>0</b></font>";			}else{			$credits="<font color='#00ff00'><b>$mcredit[cr]</b></font>";				}		if($_SESSION['gid'] == $group['id'])		{			$adm="[<a href='./login.php?act=alogin'>Admin Panel</a>] <br />";		}		echo"	  <div class='login-box' align='left'>		 <table align='center'>			<tr>			   <td align='left'>				  <a href='./mailbox.php'>$currentm</a>   <br />				  <a href='./mailbox.php?action=invites'>$currentin</a>   <br />				  <a href='./mailbox.php?action=friends'>$currentf</a>   <br />				  <a href='./ticket.php'>$totalt " . LANG_ACTIVE_TICKETS . "</a>   <br />				  [<a href='./login.php?act=logout'>" . LANG_LOGOUT . "</a>]  <br />			   </td>			   <td align='left'>					$adm				  [<a href='./manager.php?action=manage_profile'>" . LANG_PROFILE_MANAGER . "</a>] <br />				  [<a href='./manager.php?action=manage'><span style='color:#00ff00;' >" . LANG_TEAM_MANAGER . "</span></a>]<br />				  [<a href='./manager.php'><span class='maintext'>" . LANG_MY_PORTAL . "</span></a>]<br />						$credits <b>" . LANG_CREDITS_UC . "</b><br /><span style='color:yellow;'>  >><a href='./shop.php'><span class='maintext'>" . LANG_BUY_MORE_UC . "</span></a><< </span><br />			   </td>			</tr>		 </table>	  </div>";}else{echo"	  <div class='login-box'>		 <form method='post' action='./login.php'>			<table>			   <tr>				  <td>					 <input style='padding-left:3px;' type='text' class='logbox' name='login[name]' id='login-username' value='" . LANG_USERNAME . "' maxlength='20' onClick=\"this.value=''\" AUTOCOMPLETE='off'>				  </td>				  <td>					 <select name='login[clength]' id='login-remember' class='logbut'>						<option value='60'>1 " . LANG_HOUR . "</option>						<option value='1440'>1 " . LANG_DAY . "</option>						<option value='10080'>1 " . LANG_WEEK . "</option>						<option value='43200'>1 " . LANG_MONTH . "</option>						<option value='83200' selected='selected'>" . LANG_FOREVER . "</option>					 </select>					 <input type='hidden' name='act' value='setlogin'>				  </td>			   </tr>			   <tr>				  <td>					 <input style='padding-left:3px;' type='password' class='logbox' name='login[pass]' id='login-password' value='" . LANG_PASSWORD . "' maxlength='20' onFocus=\"this.value=''\" AUTOCOMPLETE='off'></td><td><input src='./theme/gs/images/loginArrow.gif' onclick='this.submit()' type='image' name='submit' alt='" . LANG_GO . "'>    <a href='./login.php'><font color='#000000'><b>" . LANG_FPW . "</b></font></a>				  </td>			   </tr>			   <tr>				  <td align='center' colspan='2'>					 <a href='./register.php'><img src='./theme/gs/images/btnPrimeiraVez.png' alt='" . LANG_JOIN_AND_REGISTER . "' title='" . LANG_JOIN_AND_REGISTER . "' border='0' style='margin:7px 0px 5px 0px;'/></a>				  </td>			   </tr>			</table>		 </form>	  </div>";}//End Login Block////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////?>   </div>   <div class="floatMiddle">	  <div class="clr" style="background:#000000; height:1px;"></div>   </div>   <div id="mainHeader">	  <div id="mainHeaderLeft">		 <div id="banner"><? /* <a href="./index.php" title="Home" ><img src="./theme/gs/images/gsLogo.png" alt="Home" border="0" width="392" height="117"/></a> */ ?></div>	  </div>   <!--   <div id="mainHeaderRight"> -->   <!--	  <div id="gsTopRight"><a href="./find.php" title="<? echo "" . LANG_HOME . ""; ?>" ><img src="./theme/gs/images/matchfinder.png" title="<? echo "" . LANG_MATCH_FINDER . ""; ?>" border="0" width="267" height="50"/></a><a href="./challenge.php" title="<? echo "" . LANG_HOME . ""; ?>" ><img src="./theme/gs/images/challenge.png" title="<? echo "" . LANG_CHALLENGE_SECTION . ""; ?>" border="0" width="267" height="50"/></a><a href="./members.php" title="<? echo "" . LANG_HOME . ""; ?>" ><img src="./theme/gs/images/halloffame.png" title="<? echo "" . LANG_HALL_OF_FAME_XP_LEADERBOARD . ""; ?>" border="0" width="267" height="50"/></a></div> ==>  <!--	 </div> -->///below displays the Server Time/Zulu Time<strong><td align='center'><font size='5' font class='catfont'><font color='yellow'>Server Time: $servertime<br><td align='center'><font color='yellow'>Zulu: $zulutime <td><tr>   </div>

I hope I am not becoming too much of a pain..some things I can get and understand and then there are some stuff that just goes over my head..whew...

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You need to tell PHP to print it:Zulu: <?php echo $zulutime; ?>When you're outside of a PHP block you aren't using PHP at all, you're just sending text HTML content.
Ah..thanks bud..
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You need to tell PHP to print it:Zulu: <?php echo $zulutime; ?>When you're outside of a PHP block you aren't using PHP at all, you're just sending text HTML content.
Thanks it worked... :) But it shows the words Server Time / Zulu Time no times displayed until user signs in..Considered Solved!!
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