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Image upload issue using resize function


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Hi there,On a page where you can upload images to be displayed on website I am using the following code:

define('THUMB_SIZE_W',200);define('THUMB_SIZE_H',200);define('IMG_SIZE_W',490);define('IMG_SIZE_H',490);function resize_image($src, $dst, $width, $height){  if (file_exists($src))  {    $chunks = explode('.', $src);    $ext = $chunks[count($chunks) - 1];    if ($ext == 'jpg' OR $ext == 'JPG')      $orig = imagecreatefromjpeg($src);    elseif ($ext == 'gif' OR $ext == 'GIF')      $orig = imagecreatefromgif($src);    elseif ($ext == 'png' OR $ext == 'PNG')      $orig = imagecreatefrompng($src);    else    {      echo "Unspported extension ({$ext})";      return;    }    $w = imagesx($orig);    $h = imagesy($orig);    // if it needs to be resized    if ($w > $width || $h > $height)    {      // if the width is larger than allowed      if ($w > $width)      {        $ratio = $width / $w; // ratio is max width divided by actual (<1)        $img = imagecreatetruecolor($width, round($h * $ratio));  // height is actual height times ratio (less)        imagecopyresampled($img, $orig, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, round($h * $ratio), $w, $h);        $orig = $img;        $w = imagesx($orig);        $h = imagesy($orig);      }      // if the height is larger than allowed      if ($h > $height)      {        $ratio = $height / $h;  // ratio is max height divided by actual (<1)        $img2 = imagecreatetruecolor(round($w * $ratio), $height); // width is actual width times ratio (less)        imagecopyresampled($img2, $orig, 0, 0, 0, 0, round($w * $ratio), $height, $w, $h);        $orig = $img2;        $w = imagesx($orig);        $h = imagesy($orig);      }        switch ($ext)      {        case 'jpg':          imagejpeg($orig, $dst);          break;        case 'gif':          imagegif($orig, $dst);          break;        case 'png':          imagepng($orig, $dst);          break;        case 'JPG':          imagejpeg($orig, $dst);          break;        case 'GIF':          imagegif($orig, $dst);          break;        case 'PNG':          imagepng($orig, $dst);          break;      }    }    imagedestroy($orig);  }  else    echo "Error: the source file does not exist ({$src}, {$dst})";}

This is working all fine as long as the image in not much smaller than the specified THUMB_SIZE_H and THUMB_SIZE_W. If they are the file is not moved into the relevant folders. The move happens via

							if (!move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$imgID]['tmp_name'], "../images/main/{$_FILES[$imgID]['name']}"))         		 			$errors[$imgID] = 'The image could not be moved.';        					else        					{          					resize_image("../images/main/{$_FILES[$imgID]['name']}", "../images/main/{$_FILES[$imgID]['name']}", IMG_SIZE_W, IMG_SIZE_H);         		 			resize_image("../images/main/{$_FILES[$imgID]['name']}", "../images/thumb/{$_FILES[$imgID]['name']}", THUMB_SIZE_W, THUMB_SIZE_H);        					}

Is there a better way to write my function or why do I have issues with smaller sizes?Thanks,Son

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It looks as though the problem is that the file copy (via the imagejpg(), imagegif() and imagepng() calls) happens inside the if statement:

if ($w > $width || $h > $height)

So, if $w is less than $width AND $h is less than $height, you'll jump straight down to:


without actually doing anything to the file.I'd suggest adding an else statement at the end of your size check, which just does a straight file copy. Something like:

if ($w > $width || $h > $height){... all of your current resizing code ...}else{copy($orig, $dst);}imaegdestroy($orig);

This means that if the source image is already below the specified dimensions, it will be copied as-is to the appropriate location.

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Cheers. Will have a go. This did not occur to me and now as you say it I feel that I should have known this... Will check this on Monday when I am back in office. Having thought I could work in my days off from home turned into a nightmare. The new internet connection is still not installed (you can never trust the dates they give you, can you?) and without a laptop a bit too bothersome... I think I sometimes rely too much on all my software stuff;-)Appreciate your help!Son

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Ha, ha. I still have to come back. Although with the suggested change the files upload fine and with correct sizes into both folders (..banner/main and ...banner/thumb) I always get an error from line

	copy($orig, $dst);


copy(Resource id #7) [function.copy]: failed to open stream: No such file or directoryDate/Time: 6-29-2011 16:16:46Array(    [src] => ../banner/main/grey100By100.jpg    [dst] => ../banner/main/grey100By100.jpg    [width] => 210    [height] => 630    [chunks] => Array        (            [0] =>             [1] =>             [2] => /banner/main/grey100By100            [3] => jpg        )    [ext] => jpg    [orig] => Resource id #7    [w] => 100    [h] => 100)

This rather peculiar as it uploads just fine into relevant folders... Do you have any idea why this might be?Son

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copy($orig, $dst);

$orig is a php image object. It should be a path to your original file.

Sorry, Mr Fish, I am not with you as the copy itself works. Could you explain what this means?Son
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You error is saying copy is not working.

copy(Resource id #7) [function.copy]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory
And your $orig variable only works on image objects.
  $chunks = explode('.', $src);	$ext = $chunks[count($chunks) - 1];	if ($ext == 'jpg' OR $ext == 'JPG')	  $orig = imagecreatefromjpeg($src);	elseif ($ext == 'gif' OR $ext == 'GIF')	  $orig = imagecreatefromgif($src);	elseif ($ext == 'png' OR $ext == 'PNG')	  $orig = imagecreatefrompng($src);

copy requires 2 string parameters. The first parameter is the path to the file and the second is the destination path. So you'l wantcopy($src, $dst);

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Now I am with you. I change it tocopy($src, $dst);which works now and is great. Just to double-check:imagedestroy($orig);is fine without path, isn't it? I am getting paranoid now...Cheers,Son

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imagedestroy() takes the image resource as parameter which is create by imagecreatefrom*() . not the path of the image

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