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My function() not accepting a string with characters and integers combined. Pls Help!


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Hi Everyone...I have been stumped on a problem for 3 days and am going nutz here. I have a line of code writing a recordset value (<%Response.Write objRs("ItemID")%>) using asp vbscript. The value is a unique identifier string with letters and numbers combined. Everything works fine with a string with all Integers but will not work with a string with integers and letters combined. Here is the calling function.

<a href="java script:void(0);" onMouseOver="this.style.textDecoration='underline'" onMouseOut="this.style.textDecoration='none'" style="TEXT-DECORATION: none" onClick="message_box.show_message('Message box', 'DELETE ITEM ?', '[color="#FF0000"]<%Response.Write objRs("ItemID")%>[/color]' );"><b>Remove</b></a>

The string value is then passed to the show_message: function(title, body, strID), then the string value is sent to the: var button = '<input type="button" onclick="message_box.delete_record(' + strItemID + ');"value="Okay!" />'; The goal is to execute a href page redirection to delete a record when the user presses the OK button.I've tried everything in my limited javascript brain to make it work with a string with integers and letters combined but no luck however the code works with a string with integers only. it basically stalls at show_message: function(title, body, strID). I've tried converting the receiving argument (strID) to a String() but nothing. Does anyone have a solution or any suggestions? Thanks!!!Here is the Jquery modal message box javascript function:

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript">var message_box = function() {	return {		show_message: function(title, body, strID)		{			var strItemID = strID;			var button = '<input type="button" onclick="message_box.delete_record(' + strItemID + ');"value="Okay!" />';			var button2 = '<input type="button" onclick="message_box.close_message();"value="No!" />';			if(jQuery('#message_box').html() === null)			{				var message = '<div id="message_box"><h1>' + title + '</h1>' + body + strItemID + '<br/>' + button + button2 +'</div>';				jQuery(document.body).append( message );				jQuery(document.body).append( '<div id="darkbg"></div>' );				jQuery('#darkbg').show();				jQuery('#darkbg').css('height', jQuery('html, body').height()); 				jQuery('#message_box').css('top', jQuery('html, body').scrollTop() + 200);				jQuery('#message_box').show('slow');			}			else			{				var message = '<h1>' + title + '</h1>' + body + strItemID + '<br/>' + button + button2;				jQuery('#darkbg').show();				jQuery('#darkbg').css('height', jQuery('html, body').height()); 				jQuery('#message_box').css('top', jQuery('html, body').scrollTop() + 200);				jQuery('#message_box').show('slow');				jQuery('#message_box').html( message );			}		},			close_message: function() {			jQuery('#message_box').hide('fast');			jQuery('#darkbg').hide();		},			delete_record: function(strItemID) {			jQuery('#message_box').hide('fast');			jQuery('#darkbg').hide();			window.location.href = 'blank.html?Action=Delete&Item=' + strItemID;					}	}}();</script>

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edit: nevermind, I think I misinterpreted the issue. First thing I should have asked for is are there any errors showing when you call message_box? What is the raw HTML output of this line

<a href="java script:void(0);" onMouseOver="this.style.textDecoration='underline'" onMouseOut="this.style.textDecoration='none'" style="TEXT-DECORATION: none" onClick="message_box.show_message('Message box', 'DELETE ITEM ?', '<%Response.Write objRs("ItemID")%>' );"><b>Remove</b></a>

when you view the source of the page?----I'm not sure, but I think the issue may he here?

var button = '<input type="button" onclick="message_box.delete_record(' + strItemID + ');"value="Okay!" />';

to me it looks like it would output as

<!-- where strItemId = "abc123" --><input type="button" onclick="message_box.delete_record(abc123);" value="Okay!" />

I believe you need it to quote the value of strItemId when creating the input element, like so:

var button = '<input type="button" onclick="message_box.delete_record(\'' + strItemID + '\');"value="Okay!" />';

so the output would look something like

<!-- where strItemId = "abc123" --><input type="button" onclick="message_box.delete_record('abc123');" value="Okay!" />

or else javascript is going to look for abc123 as a variable, not just an ordinary string

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Thanks thescientist!!! Your suggestion: var button = '<input type="button" onclick="message_box.delete_record(\'' + strItemID + '\');"value="Okay!" />'; worked.It was being read as a variable rather than a string value. I had googled it for days but was unable to find info about using the "\". Thanks for your help.Cheers!

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