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Using :contain to search div content


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I have an FAQ page that contains a series of <div>s which are displayed/hidden based on navigation tabs on the side, and I am trying to install a search functionality using :contain to scan them for keywords but cannot get it working properly. What I have so far is :<script type="text/javascript">function searchFunction() { var searchTerm = document.searchBox.keyword.value;$(".searchable :contains('"+searchTerm+"')").css("style", "display:block");}</script><form name="searchBox">Keyword(s): <input type="text" name="keyword" /><input type="button" value="Search" onclick="searchFunction()"/></form><div class="searchable" id="softwareQuestion1" style="display:none">This is the first software question and answer.</div>What I want is for an input of "software" for example to cause any elements containing that word to be shown.Thanks

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How about using achors<a name="first"> something here </a><a name="second"> something else here </a>then faq.php#second will scrool to "something else here"Or you really need to show only one div and hide others?

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well, what happens instead? Are you getting any errors? edit:I'm confused why you are using jQuery for everything but getting the value, in which you use old form dot notation. Why not just jquery there as well?

var searchTerm = $('#keyword').val();...Keyword(s): <input type="text" name="keyword" id="keyword"/>

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