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Read Text From URL...?


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Use the GET or REQUEST method. Basically when you pass a variable in the url, for example.www.somesite.com/index.php?name=gexthegeckoYou can use, $_GET['name'] or $_REQUEST['name'] to collect that variable, example:$Text = $_GET['name'];echo $Test;Output: gexthegecko Hope that helps.

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sorry you misunderstood me, I want the IP address text that shows up on the page at that url
Ah my apologies. Do you mean the IP of someone who visits your site, or such. In any case you could just use $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; Which gets the IP address of the visitor, if thats what you mean?
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does that file_get_contents() function require curl enabled..? cause my free host has it disabled and that function is not working..but it does work on my paid host though which has curl allowed..is there any other function that woks the same way but doesn't require curl..?

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It requires allowing fopen() wrappers to make remote requests, which is probably disabled on a free web host.In fact, most free web hosts block any remote file handling due to abuse. If cURL is disabled they probably disabled any of the methods that allow you to access remote content.

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