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website works on local machine, error when hosted


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i tested my script for my website on my local machine (setup with xampp), and it works fine.so i uploaded it to my website today, and it gives two errors. long story short, i made a test page that removed all the html from the php script.

<?php ob_start(); ?><?php	$db_host = 'localhost';	$db_user = '';	$db_password = '';	$db_database = '';	mysql_connect($db_host, $db_user, $db_password);	mysql_select_db($db_database);		$result = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM linkstab ORDER BY ID Desc');	?>			<?php				print_r(mysql_fetch_array($result));				/*while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))								echo $row['Website'], $row['Name'];								echo $row['Description'];				mysql_free_result($result);				mysql_close();*/			?><?php ob_end_flush(); ?>

the website and error are located here hometest.phpfor some reason, it doesn't like the array that i set up to display the $result query information.does anyone have any suggestions?

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Check for the errors usng mysql_error() when $result return false to ensure why query is failing. your $result is returing false.

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Check for the errors usng mysql_error() when $result return false to ensure why query is failing. your $result is returing false.
brilliant. the generic user that i created didn't have enough permissions. thanks for the help!
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