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tooltip question


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I have observed that whatever site i visit the tooltips styling is the same.How can that be?It seems that the styling is of Firefox(since this is the browser i use) and not of the site's css i visit.Can you explain that?It is confusing.If the styling is of the browser's and as such common to every site where i can see the related css with firebug,for example.

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You cannot style a tooltip with CSS or anything else. If controlling the appearance of a tooltip is important, there are ways to simulate the effect using :hover to display hidden elements. You should be able to Google that, since the implementation of tooltips (the title attribute) was inconsistent for a long time, and many developers used their own techniques.

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If you're just talking about the title attribute popup, it's built into the browser. If you use a Javascript tooltip library you can make it look like anything you want.
Believe it or not i did not know that such an attribute exists, despite witnessing it in every website i visit in the web.i wonder if ever new knowledge about web technologies will cease coming(it will not of course).It seems endless.Regarding now Deirdre's Dad post.In dreamweaver cs5 there is available the spry framework from where you can use the spry tooltip widget, upon creating tooltips a css file is created where you can also stylethem.
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