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A good affect in flash


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Paste this code in the actions box of a keyframe!

this.createEmptyMovieClip("center", 0);center._x = Stage.width/2;center._y = Stage.height/2;focalLength = 400;cube = {};cube.vertexList = [];cube.vertexList.push({x:-50, y:-50, z:50}); cube.vertexList.push({x:50, y:-50, z:50}); cube.vertexList.push({x:50, y:-50, z:-50}); cube.vertexList.push({x:-50, y:-50, z:-50}); cube.vertexList.push({x:-50, y:50, z:50}); cube.vertexList.push({x:50, y:50, z:50}); cube.vertexList.push({x:50, y:50, z:-50}); cube.vertexList.push({x:-50, y:50, z:-50});cube.side = [];cube.side.push([0,1,2,3]);cube.side.push([2,1,5,6]);cube.side.push([1,0,4,5]);cube.side.push([5,4,7,6]);cube.side.push([0,3,7,4]);cube.side.push([3,2,6,7]);render = function(model) {if (transformMatrix) {for (var i = 0; i < model.vertexList.length; i++) {var vert = model.vertexList[i];var x = transformMatrix.a*vert.x + transformMatrix.b*vert.y + transformMatrix.c*vert.z;var y = transformMatrix.d*vert.x + transformMatrix.e*vert.y + transformMatrix.f*vert.z;var z = transformMatrix.g*vert.x + transformMatrix.h*vert.y + transformMatrix.i*vert.z;;vert.x = x;vert.y = y;vert.z = z;}delete transformMatrix;}center.clear();center.lineStyle(2, 0, 100);verts2D = [];depthArray = [];for (var i = 0; i < model.side.length; i++) {var zDepth = 0;for (var j = 0; j < model.side[i].length; j++) {var whichVert = model.side[i][j];if (verts2D[whichVert] == undefined) {verts2D[whichVert] = {};var scale = focalLength/(focalLength - model.vertexList[whichVert].z);verts2D[whichVert].x = model.vertexList[whichVert].x * scale;verts2D[whichVert].y = model.vertexList[whichVert].y * scale;}zDepth += model.vertexList[whichVert].z;}depthArray.push([model.side[i], zDepth]);}depthArray.sort(function(a,b) { return a[1] > b[1] });for (var i = 0; i < depthArray.length; i++) {var sideVerts = depthArray[i][0];center.moveTo(verts2D[sideVerts[0]].x, verts2D[sideVerts[0]].y);center.beginFill(0x666666, 100);for (var j = 1; j < sideVerts.length; j++) {center.lineTo(verts2D[sideVerts[j]].x, verts2D[sideVerts[j]].y);}center.lineTo(verts2D[sideVerts[0]].x, verts2D[sideVerts[0]].y);center.endFill();}}rotateX = function(model, degree) {var rad = degree*Math.PI/180;var sin = Math.sin(rad);var cos = Math.cos(rad);var matrix = {a:1, b:0, c:0, d:0, e:cos, f:sin, g:0, h:-sin, i:cos};transform(matrix, model);}rotateY = function(model, degree) {var rad = degree*Math.PI/180;var sin = Math.sin(rad);var cos = Math.cos(rad);var matrix = {a:cos, b:0, c:-sin, d:0, e:1, f:0, g:sin, h:0, i:cos};transform(matrix, model);}rotateZ = function(model, degree) {var rad = degree*Math.PI/180;var sin = Math.sin(rad);var cos = Math.cos(rad);var matrix = {a:cos, b:sin, c:0, d:-sin, e:cos, f:0, g:0, h:0, i:1};transform(matrix, model);}scale = function(model, percent) {var rad = degree*Math.PI/180;var matrix = {a:percent, b:0, c:0, d:0, e:percent, f:0, g:0, h:0, i:percent};transform(matrix, model);}transform = function(matrix, model) {if (transformMatrix) {var a = matrix.a*transformMatrix.a + matrix.b*transformMatrix.d + matrix.c*transformMatrix.g;var b = matrix.a*transformMatrix.b + matrix.b*transformMatrix.e + matrix.c*transformMatrix.h;var c = matrix.a*transformMatrix.c + matrix.b*transformMatrix.f + matrix.c*transformMatrix.i;var d = matrix.d*transformMatrix.a + matrix.e*transformMatrix.d + matrix.f*transformMatrix.g;var e = matrix.d*transformMatrix.b + matrix.e*transformMatrix.e + matrix.f*transformMatrix.h;var f = matrix.d*transformMatrix.c + matrix.e*transformMatrix.f + matrix.f*transformMatrix.i;var g = matrix.g*transformMatrix.a + matrix.h*transformMatrix.d + matrix.i*transformMatrix.g;var h = matrix.g*transformMatrix.b + matrix.h*transformMatrix.e + matrix.i*transformMatrix.h;var i = matrix.g*transformMatrix.c + matrix.h*transformMatrix.f + matrix.i*transformMatrix.i;transformMatrix = {a:a, b:b, c:c, d:d, e:e, f:f, g:g, h:h, i:i};} else {transformMatrix = matrix}}center.onEnterFrame = function() {rotateX(cube, 3);rotateY(cube, 6);rotateZ(cube, 10);render(cube);};

that code creates a 3d spinning box in the center of your stage! If you edit

cube.vertexList.push({x:-50, y:-50, z:50}); cube.vertexList.push({x:50, y:-50, z:50}); cube.vertexList.push({x:50, y:-50, z:-50}); cube.vertexList.push({x:-50, y:-50, z:-50}); cube.vertexList.push({x:-50, y:50, z:50}); cube.vertexList.push({x:50, y:50, z:50}); cube.vertexList.push({x:50, y:50, z:-50}); cube.vertexList.push({x:-50, y:50, z:-50});

That bit of the code (the numbers) you can create new wierd incredable spinning shapes!!Ed

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Picture...ummm...you might need a 3d animation creator program :) To change the colour just edit the 666666 bit on the code below to the code you want!! :)

beginFill(0x666666, 100);

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focalLength = 400;

Fiddle with that too!thats ummmm wierd :)

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