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Strange Html Radio Button: Only One Feature Disabled


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<html><head><script>function parseXML(method,xml,async){if(window.XMLHttpRequest){  xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();  xmlhttp.open(method,xml,async);  xmlhttp.send();  }else {  xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") ;  xmlhttp.async=async;  xmlhttp.load(xml);  }xmlDoc = xmlhttp.responseXML;}parseXML("GET","multipleChoices.xml",false);function test(){if(document.getElementById("c1").checked == true){  alert(1);  } else {   alert(2);   }}</script></head><body><form name="form"><fieldset>	 <input type="radio" id="c1" value="a" name="a" />a	    <input type="radio" id="c2" value="b" name="b" />b	 <input type="radio" id="c3" value="c" name="c" />c	 <input type="radio" id="c4" value="d" name="d" />d    </fieldset>    <input type="button" value="submit" onClick="test()" /></form></body></html>

Radio buttons should only be unique. Only one option is allowed to select. But in my case, more than one radio button are allowed to be clicked.Why? And how to fix it?

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All radio buttons, in the same category, should have the same name. Ex:colors:


given the above radios, all the radios should have the same name, which means that they are under colors (the same category), and one should be selected and not all.

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