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Submit Paypal Form After Checking For Duplicate Recordset Problems


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Hi All, I am unable to do a check for duplicate records before the form is submitted to Paypal. Here is the form:

<form name="_xclick" action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post" onSubmit="return validate(this);"><input name="txtUserName" id="txtUserName" type="Text" tabindex="1" /><input name="txtPassword1" type="password" tabindex="2" /><input name="txtPassword2" type="password" tabindex="3" /><input name="txtEmail" type="Text" tabindex="4" /></form>

I am doing javascript client side validation with this block of code:

//Form Validationfunction validate(form) {var e = form.elements, m = '';if(!e['txtUserName'].value) {m += 'Username is required<br/>';}if(!e['txtPassword1'].value) {m += 'Password is required<br/>';}if(!e['txtPassword2'].value) {m += 'Repeat Password is required<br/>';}if(e['txtPassword1'].value != e['txtPassword2'].value) {m += 'Your passwords does not match<br/>';}if(!/.+@[^.]+(\.[^.]+)+/.test(e['txtEmail'].value)) {m += 'Valid e-mail address is required<br/>';}var btn = valButton(form.radiobuttons);if (btn == null) {m += 'Please choose a plan<br/>';}if(!e['terms-conditions'].checked ) {m += 'Must agree to terms and conditions<br/>';}//if (recaptcha_confirm == null) {m += 'reCaptcha Probs<br/>';}//if (reCaptchaResponse.isValid()) {out.print("Answer was entered correctly!");} else {m += 'reCaptcha Wrong<br/>';}if(m) {//alert('The following error(s) occurred:\n\n' + m);message_box.show_message('Please Complete the Following:\n\n', m);return false;}return true;}function valButton(btn) {    var cnt = -1;    for (var i=btn.length-1; i > -1; i--) {	    if (btn[i].checked) {cnt = i; i = -1;}    }    if (cnt > -1) return btn[cnt].value;    else return null;}

The javascript form validation works. The problem is now I want to check for duplicate usernames using asp, then continue with the form submit to Paypal if ther are no duplicates. I am unable to catch the submit action with:

IF request.Form.Count > 0 THENORIf Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_METHOD") = "POST" Then

I realize that the onSubmit="return validate(this);" on the form calls the validation but how can I check for duplicate records using asp before the form is sent to paypal?Any ideas?

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I am pretty weak with my Ajax or javascript coding coming from a vbscript background however I did come up with an ugly solution that will allow me to continue with asp and should work for now cause I am staring at a deadline.

'Form Validation	Response.Write "<script type=""text/javascript"">" & _	"function validate(form) {var e = form.elements, m = '';" & _	"if(!e['txtUserName'].value) {m += 'Username is required<br/>';}" 	 'ASP CODE HERE	 Dim objRS, strtemp, strUserName, strPassword, strEmail, strPlan, strResponse	 strUserName = trim(Request.form("txtUserName"))	 Set objRS=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")	 Set objRS.ActiveConnection=objConn	 objRS.CursorType=adOpenDynamic	 objRS.LockType=adLockOptimistic	 objRS.Open "SELECT * FROM users WHERE ([username] ='" & strUserName & "')",objConn	  IF objRS.EOF Then	  Else	  response.Write "if(!e['txtTesting'].value) {m += 'Duplicate Name Detected<br/>';}"	  End If	  'End ASP CODE 	  Response.Write "if(!e['txtPassword1'].value) {m += 'Password is required<br/>';}" & _	  "if(!e['txtPassword2'].value) {m += 'Repeat Password is required<br/>';}" & _	  "if(e['txtPassword1'].value != e['txtPassword2'].value) {m += 'Your passwords does not match<br/>';}" & _	  "if(!/.+@[^.]+(\.[^.]+)+/.test(e['txtEmail'].value)) {m += 'Valid e-mail address is required<br/>';}" & _	  "var btn = valButton(form.radiobuttons);" & _	  "if (btn == null) {m += 'Please choose a plan<br/>';}" & _	  "if(!e['terms-conditions'].checked ) {m += 'Must agree to terms and conditions<br/>';}" & _	  "if(m) {" & _	  "message_box.show_message('Please Complete the Following:\n\n', m);" & _	  "return false;" & _	  "}" & _	  "return true;" & _	  "}" & _		  "function valButton(btn) {" & _	   "var cnt = -1;" & _	   "for (var i=btn.length-1; i > -1; i--) {" & _		"if (btn[i].checked) {cnt = i; i = -1;}" & _	   "}" & _	   "if (cnt > -1) return btn[cnt].value;" & _	   "else return null;" & _	  "}" & _	  "</script>"

Now I am calling javascript within asp. I know it's not the best practice but it seems to be working..Except I am unable to retrieve a value from strUserName = trim(Request.form("txtUserName")) so I can use the variable in my SQL statement. I am using response.Write "if(!e['txtTesting'].value) {m += 'Duplicate Name Detected<br/>';}" just to force a message dialog when a duplicate record has been found.Any idea how I can retrieve a value for Request.form("txtUserName")

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justsomeguy, Took your advice about sending an ajax request. From what I've read, it is the best way to go about this. I am trying something like this:

//Form Validationfunction validate(form) {var e = form.elements, m = '';if(!e['txtUserName'].value) {m += 'Username is required<br/>';}var xhReq = new XMLHttpRequest();var strusername = e['txtUserName'].valuexhReq.open("GET", "checkusername.asp?username=\'' + strusername + '\'",false);xhReq.send(null);var serverResponse = xhReq.responseText;alert(serverResponse);if(!e['txtPassword1'].value) {m += 'Password is required<br/>';}if(!e['txtPassword2'].value) {m += 'Repeat Password is required<br/>';}if(e['txtPassword1'].value != e['txtPassword2'].value) {m += 'Your passwords does not match<br/>';}if([email="!/.+@[^.]+(.[^.]+)+/.test(e["]!/.+@[^.]+(\.[^.]+)+/.test(e['txtEmail'].value[/email])) {m += 'Valid e-mail address is required<br/>';}var btn = valButton(form.radiobuttons);if (btn == null) {m += 'Please choose a plan<br/>';}if(!e['terms-conditions'].checked ) {m += 'Must agree to terms and conditions<br/>';}if(m) {//alert('The following error(s) occurred:\n\n' + m);message_box.show_message('Please Complete the Following:\n\n', m);return false;}return true;}function valButton(btn) {var cnt = -1;for (var i=btn.length-1; i > -1; i--) {if (btn[i].checked) {cnt = i; i = -1;}}if (cnt > -1) return btn[cnt].value;else return null;}

I am using an alert box to test the response which seems to be working with a value passed to checkusername.asp like this:xhReq.open("GET", "checkusername.asp?username=True",false);I am unable to pass a variable because I think I have the incorrect javascript syntax:var username = e['txtUserName'].value //can't retrieve text box value here xhReq.open("GET", "checkusername.asp?username=\'' + strusername + '\'",false);I have a test asp receiving page:

<%Dim objRS, strUserName strUserName = Request.QueryString("username") Set objRS=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") Set objRS.ActiveConnection=objConn objRS.CursorType=adOpenDynamic objRS.LockType=adLockOptimistic objRS.Open "SELECT * FROM users WHERE ([username] ='" & strUserName & "')",objConn IF objRS.EOF Then Else Response.Write "Exists" End If objRS.Close Set objRS = Nothing%>

The perhaps I can catch the serverResponse ...if serverResponse == "exists" , then display the message box.

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