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Counting Preceding-Sibling Rows, But Not All Of Them.


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I'm trying to count preceing sibbling <row> elements, but don't want to include all preceding-siblings. I'd like to stop counting as soon as I hit a row that contains a "rowsep" attribute. I'm doing this so that I can alternate background colors on the table rows, but need to start over with the colors each time I hit a <row> with a rowsep attribute. Example XML: <row rowsep="1"><entry/></row> <row><entry/></row> <row rowsep="1"><entry></row> <row><entry/></row> For this row, I'd like my preceding siblings to be zero because the preceding row has a rowsep attr.. <row><entry/></row> <row><entry/></row> <row rowsep="1"><entry></row> <row><entry/></row> For this row, I'd like my preceding siblings to be zero because the preceding row has a rowsep attr.. <row><entry/></row> <row><entry/></row> Thank you!

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I'd like to use XSLT 1.0 Output is HTML. Given the XML above, I'd like the following HTML.<tr style="rowsep"><td/></tr> This is start of table.<tr style="red"><td/></tr><tr style="rowsep"><td/></tr><tr style="red"><td/></tr><tr><td/></tr><tr style="red"><td/></tr><tr style="rowsep"><td/></tr><tr style="red"><td/></tr><tr><td/></tr><tr style="red"><td/></tr> I need to have style="red" on the row folowing a row with a "rowsep" and then style="red" on every other row until I hit another row with "rowsep". A row with style "rowsep" starts a new section of rows. The row following the "rowsep" row should be "red" and this needs to alternate rows.I'm trying to use a count preceding-sibling and "mod" function to determin if the row should be "red".Thank you!

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