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Problem With Array


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Hello, I would like to do some calculations in a predefined array. With the script below I can retrieve a number of the matrix.However, I want to reuse this number and do some calculations with it, for example calculate the factorial. But I don't now how I have to save the selected number and then to reuse it for further calculation. can you help me? Thx,Roger <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head><title>MATRIX</title> </head><body><p>MATRIX</p><form action=''><table> <tr><td>Size:</td><td><input type='text' id='size' value='' /></td></tr> <tr><td>Line:</td><td><input type='text' id='line' value=''/></td></tr> <tr><td>Col:</td><td><input type='text' id='col' value=''/></td></tr> <tr><td>Selected:</td><td><input type='text' id='selected' value=''/></td></tr></table></form> <input value="show" type='button' onclick="see(document.getElementById('size').value/1, document.getElementById('line').value/1,document.getElementById('col').value/1)"/></div> <script>function matrix(a){ var myMatrix=new Array(); var value=1; for(var i=0; i<a; ++i){ myMatrix=new Array(); for(var j=0; j<a; j++){ myMatrix[j]= value; ++value; } }return myMatrix;}function see(x,y,z){ if(y>x-1 || y<0){ document.getElementById('selected').value="Error"; document.getElementById('line').className='error'; document.getElementById('line').value="Number between 0 and "+(x-1)+" please!"; } else if(z>x-1 || z<0){ document.getElementById('selected').value="Error"; document.getElementById('col').className='error'; document.getElementById('col').value="Number between 0 and "+(x-1)+" please!"; } else{ myMatrix=matrix(x); document.getElementById('line').className='correct'; document.getElementById('selected').value=myMatrix[y][z]; }}</script></body></html>

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If I understand correctly, all you need to do is create the variable in the global space (ie, not in a function). If this: myMatrix=matrix(x); is the variable you want to save, I would recommend renaming it to something besides myMatrix to avoid confusion with the variable in your matrix function. Then declare it globally:

var currMatrix;function matrix(...) {  ...}function see(...) {  if (...) {    ...  } else {    currMatrix = matrix(x);    ...  }}

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thx for your answer what I'm trying to reuse is the result is the selected value so, if a user types insize 3line 1col 1 the value I want to reuse is 5, so what I have in function see ... document.getElementById('selected').value=myMatrix[y][z] How can I declare this value to reuse it at once for example to calculate and show it's factorial? I try doing so by adding a button factorial in the form with a onclick"function()", but when trying to declare the function I keep getting is not defined errors... do I have to declare a new variable already at the end of the see function or at the beginning of the factorial function?I'm quite confused as I'm not too familiar with javascript yet

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Ok, then declare your variable globally like I showed you before. This time I'll call it matrixVal. Then replace: document.getElementById('selected').value=myMatrix[y][z]; with: matrixVal = myMatrix[y][z];document.getElementById('selected').value = matrixVal; Now you should be able to use matrixVal in other functions.

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I could retrieve the matrixVal value, but only inside of the see function when I tested with an alert outside of the function, it didn't work... I can use the result within the function and do simple calculations like multiplications with it, but I haven't figured out how to do the factorial as I can't retrieve the matrixVal outside of my see function. Is there a way in JS to add a function within a function, i.e. could I add a factorial function like I tried within my see function? within the function I could do something like... L=(matrixVal*(matrixVal-1)*(matrixVal-2)*(matrixVal-3));document.form.L.value=L; if I knew the value of matrixVal in the specific case but of course it would be nicer to have a function which works all the time. But with a loop I would need a new function and cannot just do it within the see function

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I pulled the code from your first post and made the changes I suggested. It seems to do exactly what you want:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head><title>MATRIX</title></head><body><p>MATRIX</p><form action=''><table><tr><td>Size:</td><td><input type='text' id='size' value='' /></td></tr><tr><td>Line:</td><td><input type='text' id='line' value=''/></td></tr><tr><td>Col:</td><td><input type='text' id='col' value=''/></td></tr><tr><td>Selected:</td><td><input type='text' id='selected' value=''/></td></tr></table></form><input value="show" type='button' onclick="see(document.getElementById('size').value/1,document.getElementById('line').value/1,document.getElementById('col').value/1); alert(factorial(matrixVal));"/></div><script>var matrixVal; //Declare matrixVal globallyfunction matrix(a){    var myMatrix=new Array();    var value=1;    for(var i=0; i<a; ++i){        myMatrix[i]=new Array();        for(var j=0; j<a; j++){            myMatrix[i][j]= value;            ++value;        }    }    return myMatrix;}function see(x,y,z){    if(y>x-1 || y<0){        document.getElementById('selected').value="Error";        document.getElementById('line').className='error';        document.getElementById('line').value="Number between 0 and "+(x-1)+" please!";    }    else if(z>x-1 || z<0){        document.getElementById('selected').value="Error";        document.getElementById('col').className='error';        document.getElementById('col').value="Number between 0 and "+(x-1)+" please!";    }    else{        myMatrix=matrix(x);        document.getElementById('line').className='correct';        matrixVal = myMatrix[y][z]; //Store the selected matrix value in matrixVal for later use        document.getElementById('selected').value = matrixVal;    }}function factorial(n) {    var f = n;    for (var i=n-1; i>0; i--) {        f = f*i;    }    return f;}</script></body></html>

I also provided a factorial function to show you that it does work. I modified the onclick of the button to alert the factorial of the selected value.

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...I also provided a factorial function to show you that it does work. I modified the onclick of the button to alert the factorial of the selected value.
thank you very much not sure whether I tried it with alert - I tried to show the value directly in the form...I'm now managed to do that with the addition of a button in the form and the correct onclick command
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