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Don E

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Hello everyone, I know what javascript:void() does when that's set for the a's href, but can anyone explain how parameters are passed to void? For example, if you mouse over the 'code' button and look down at the status bar of your browser, you'll see: javascript:void('Code').I know what javascript:void(alert("Hello world")) does if it's set to the href, but when something like 'Code' is being passed, where exactly is it being passed to, a function? And if so, is that function returning false so that the a(link) doesn't load/take you to a new page? Thanks.

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According to the Mozilla Developer Network, void() evaluates an expression and returns undefined.


Using javascript:void(0) in URLs is, as far as I know, a bad practice, because the link is not performing its function as an anchor anymore. Javascript should be triggered by the click event of a link.

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