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hey guys, thank you for the help on my last few post, but as always i got another question that i cant seem to work out, but im guessing its very simple to do, but im not sure how to do it ok if you go to www.divinedesigns1.us you will see that the register and login links color and style isnt changed, how do i change them in php script this is the script

<?phpsession_start();include_once "connect_to_mysql.php";$logOptions = '';if (!isset($_SESSION['id'])) {  if (!isset($_COOKIE['idCookie'])) { 	 $logOptions = '<a href="[url="http://www.divinedesigns1.us"]http://www.divinedesigns1.us[/url]/register.php">Register Account</a>     |     <a href="[url="http://www.divinedesigns1.us"]http://www.divinedesigns1.us[/url]/login.php">Log In</a>';   }}if (isset($_SESSION['id'])) {    $logOptions_id = $_SESSION['id'];    $logOptions_firstname = $_SESSION['firstname'];    $logOptions_firstname = substr('' . $logOptions_firstname . '', 0, 15);       $logOptions = '<a href="[url="http://www.divinedesigns1.us"]http://www.divinedesigns1.us[/url]profile.php?id=' . $logOptions_id . '">' . $logOptions_firstname . '</a>   |  <a href="[url="http://www.divinedesigns1.us"]http://www.divinedesigns1.us[/url]edit_profile.php">Account</a>   |  <a href="[url="http://www.divinedesigns1.us"]http://www.divinedesigns1.us[/url]/logout.php">Log Out</a>';} else if (isset($_COOKIE['idCookie'])) {    $userID = $_COOKIE['idCookie'];$userPass = $_COOKIE['passCookie'];    $sql_uname = mysql_query("SELECT firstname FROM myMembers WHERE id='$userID' AND password='$userPass' LIMIT 1");    while($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql_uname)){	 $firstName = $row["firstname"];}    session_register('id');    $_SESSION['id'] = $userID;    session_register('firstname');    $_SESSION['firstname'] = $firstName;    $logOptions_id = $userID;    $logOptions_uname = $firstName;    $logOptions_uname = substr('' . $logOptions_uname . '', 0, 15);       mysql_query("UPDATE myMembers SET last_log_date=now() WHERE id='$logOptions_id'");		 $logOptions = '<a href="h[url="http://www.divinedesigns1.us"]http://www.divinedesigns1.us[/url]profile.php?id=' . $logOptions_id . '">' . $logOptions_uname . '</a>   |  <a href="[url="http://www.divinedesigns1.us"]http://www.divinedesigns1.us[/url]/edit_profile.php">Account</a>   |  <a href="http://www.divinedesigns1.us/logout.php">Log Out</a>';}?>

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yea i tried that but nada everything in my top.php file got changed, and i only want the register and login links to be white

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what have you tried? as ingolme said already give them a class so that it can be recogisable and after that use some style in that class in stylesheet

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okie i got it to work, but i did was just add the "style" tab to it and......how should i do it......cancel out?.....yea lets us that, and cancel out the text-decoration, list-style and color...............Thank you onces again guys "didnt give them a class tho" because when i try to add the "div" into the php it wasnt not working sooo i just added the "style" instead Decent decision?yes...............no? -_-

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you mean style inline attribute? inline styling shold be avoided where possible.it is good practise to use externalstylesheet rather than inline

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you mean style inline attribute? inline styling shold be avoided where possible.it is good practise to use externalstylesheet rather than inline
yea, i think thats what you call it, it work like this <div class/id="idk"/a/strong/p style="unknowalient:idk;"></div/a/strong/p> <---- thats what i used
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