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Changing heights dynamically?


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Dear all, Currently I am building a website for my study/myself but start to experience some problems, maybe it's impossible to do but I would like to take a shot. Underneath the following URL my website is located.http://www.nielsschreuders.nl/webtest As you can see, this site exists out of one page only in which multiple sections "home, products, about,..." are located by scrolling through the page all sections can be seen. Though, in the product section I have implemented 6 spry collapsible panels but page 3 is getting confused when two spry's underneath each other are collapsed. What I would like to accomplish is to have page three (pagina 3 in dutch) pushed down when these spry's are collapsed but keeping the ability of navigating to the start of page 3 by the navigation-bar. If this would not be possible, I would like to know if it is possible to open one collapsible panel by which another one (if collapsed ) closes. I already searched for a suitable solution but I get the impression of this being a very hard to tackle problem.When extra information is needed, I would certainly like to post it here. Thanks in advance,Niels

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