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How can I clean html tags?


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I am creating from Access an XML file , and saving it in the server, using this piece of code: -------------<%Dim objConn, strConnect, strSQL, rs, tb, mdbFile, objFSO, xmlFile, objWrite xmlFile = Server.MapPath("myxmlfile.xml")mdbFile = Server.MapPath("/database/database.mdb") tb = chr(9) set objFSO = Server.CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" )Set objConn = Server.CreateObject( "ADODB.Connection" ) objConn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & mdbFile If Not objFSO.FileExists( xmlFile ) Then objFSO.CreateTextFile( xmlFile )set objWrite = objFSO.OpenTextFile( xmlFile, 2 ) objWrite.WriteLine("<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""ISO-8859-1""?>")objWrite.WriteLine("<data>") strSQL = "SELECT * FROM products WHERE 1=1"Set rs = objConn.Execute(StrSQL) Do While not rs.EOF objWrite.WriteLine(tb & "<item>") objWrite.WriteLine(tb & tb & "<catalogid>" & rs("catalogid") & "</catalogid>") objWrite.WriteLine(tb & tb & "<name>" & replace(rs("name"),"&","&") & "</name>") objWrite.WriteLine(tb & tb & "<price>" & replace(rs("price"),"&","&") & "</price>")objWrite.WriteLine(tb & tb & "<description>" & replace(rs("description"),"&","&") & "</description>") objWrite.WriteLine(tb & "</item>") rs.MoveNextLoop objWrite.WriteLine("</data>")objWrite.Close()response.write "XML file updated"%> --------------- It works great but, I have a problem. In the field "description" in the db, I have data stored with html tags, then the resulting XML file is something like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?><data><item><catalogid>1</catalogid><name>PRODUCT HERE</name><price>89</price><description><P>Description here.<BR><SPAN style="COLOR: #ffa500; FONT-SIZE: 10pt" itxtharvested="0" itxtnodeid="309"><STRONG onmouseover="ddrivetip('*some text')" onmouseout=hideddrivetip() itxtharvested="0" itxtnodeid="310" ;>Description here <SPAN style="COLOR: #000000; FONT-SIZE: 8pt">*</SPAN><BR itxtnodeid="311"></STRONG></SPAN><STRONG itxtharvested="0" itxtnodeid="307">Description here</STRONG><BR itxtnodeid="306">12V <BR>Description here<BR>Description here<BR>Description here<BR><SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 8pt">Wh: 15,4<BR itxtnodeid="304"></SPAN><SPAN style="COLOR: #ff0000" itxtharvested="0" itxtnodeid="303">Description here</SPAN> </P><P><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000; FONT-SIZE: 8pt" itxtharvested="0" itxtnodeid="303">Description text here<BR itxtnodeid="312"></SPAN></P></description></item></data> What I need to do, is to clean the html tags that I have in the description field before XML is created. Can anybody help?Thanks

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I'm not sure if you'll be able to find recent code for ASP/VBscript, but you should find at least some examples of stripping HTML online. http://www.google.com/search?client=opera&rls=en&q=asp+vbscript+clean+html&sourceid=opera&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&channel=suggest Make sure to read a few of those, cleaning HTML to protect against things like XSS attacks is a pretty broad problem that doesn't have a small, simple solution. ASP classic is old enough now that most people are probably focusing their efforts on other languages.

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