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A JS string writing problem


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I tried to do a thingy that creates XML tags, just for JS practise, but I got an error I can't get through. It says that I'm missing a semicolon...

<html><head><title>XML Builder</title><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=iso-8859-1" /><style type="text/css"><!--body {background-color : #eeeeee; color : #002f88; font-family : verdana, sans-serif;font-size : 12px; } a {background-color : #eeeeee; color : #0000ff; } a:visited {background-color : #eeeeee; color : #0000ff; } a:hover {color : #000000; background-color : #ddddff; } h1 {font-size : 30px; text-align : center; font-weight : 900; } h2 {font-size : 25px; text-align : center; font-weight : 700; } h3 {font-size : 22px; font-weight : 600; } h4 {font-size : 20px; font-weight : 300; } h5 {font-size : 17px; font-weight : 200; } h6 {font-size : 16px; font-weight : 150; } ul.nomarkers {list-style-type : none; }  img {border : 0; } th{background-color:#404040;color:#00FF00}--></style><script src="onerror.js" type="text/javascript"></script><script type="text/javascript"><!--function errorMessage(doesExist, caption){this.doesExist = doesExist;this.caption = caption;}function doXml(){	// get values	var element = document.XmlForm.element.value;	var attr1 = document.XmlForm.attr1.value;	var attr2 = document.XmlForm.attr2.value;	var attr3 = document.XmlForm.attr3.value;	var attr4 = document.XmlForm.attr4.value;	var attr5 = document.XmlForm.attr5.value;	var value1 = document.XmlForm.value1.value;	var value2 = document.XmlForm.value2.value;	var value3 = document.XmlForm.value3.value;	var value4 = document.XmlForm.value4.value;	var value5 = document.XmlForm.value5.value;	var inner = document.XmlForm.inner.value;		// validate element	if(element == "")	{  errorMessage.doesExist = 1  errorMessage.caption = "Your Xml element is not correct: \nYou have no element name!"	}	else if(element == "xml" || element == "XML" || element == "xMl" || element == "XMl" || element == "xmL" || element == "Xml" || element == "xMl" || element == "xML" || element == "XmL") // phew pretty long eh?	{  errorMessage.doesExist = 1  errorMessage.caption = "Your Xml element is not correct: \nYou shall not use \"" + element + "\" in your element name"	}		if(errorMessage.doesExist = 1)	{  alert(errorMessage.caption);	}		var attrnbr = new Array();	// let the comparation begin	if(attr1 != "")	{  attrnbr[1] = "true"	}	else	{  attrnbr[1] = "false"	}		if(attr2 != "")	{  attrnbr[2] = "true"	}	else	{  attrnbr[2] = "false"	}		if(attr3 != "")	{  attrnbr[3] = "true"	}	else	{  attrnbr[3] = "false"	}		if(attr4 != "")	{  attrnbr[4] = "true"	}	else	{  attrnbr[4] = "false"	}		if(attr5 != "")	{  attrnbr[5] = "true"	}	else	{  attrnbr[5] = "false"	}		var str;	str = "<" + element		if(attrnbr[1] = "true")	{  str = str + " "  str = str + attr1 '="' // ERROR LINE!!!  str = str + value1 + "\""	}		if(attrnbr[2] = "true")	{  str = str + " " + attr2 "=\"" + value2 + "\""	}		if(attrnbr[3] = "true")	{  str = str + " " + attr3 "=\"" + value3 + "\""	}		if(attrnbr[4] = "true")	{  str = str + " " + attr4 "=\"" + value4 + "\""	}		if(attrnbr[5] = "true")	{  str = str + " " + attr5 "=\"" + value5 + "\""	}		str = str + "></" + element + ">"}// --></script></head><body><h1>XML Builder</h1><form name="XmlForm"><table border="1" ><tr><th colspan="4"><p>Please fill in the form</p></th></tr><tr><td><input type="text" name="element" /></td><td colspan="3"><p>Element</p></td></tr><tr><td><input type="text" name="attr1" /></td><td><p>Attribute 1</p></td><td><input type="text" name="value1" /></td><td><p>Value 1</p></td></tr></tr><tr><td><input type="text" name="attr2" /></td><td><p>Attribute 2</p></td><td><input type="text" name="value2" /></td><td><p>Value 2</p></td></tr></tr><tr><td><input type="text" name="attr3" /></td><td><p>Attribute 3</p></td><td><input type="text" name="value3" /></td><td><p>Value 3</p></td></tr></tr><tr><td><input type="text" name="attr4" /></td><td><p>Attribute 4</p></td><td><input type="text" name="value4" /></td><td><p>Value 4</p></td></tr></tr><tr><td><input type="text" name="attr5" /></td><td><p>Attribute 5</p></td><td><input type="text" name="value5" /></td><td><p>Value 5</p></td></tr><tr><td><input type="text" name="inner" /></td><td colspan="2"><p>InnerHtml</p></td><td><input type="button" onclick="doXml()" value="Submit" /></td></tr><tr><td colspan="4"><input type="text" name="output" size="70" /></td></tr></table></form></body></html>


onerror=handleErrvar txt=""function handleErr(msg,url,l){txt="There was an error on this page.\n\n"txt+="Error: " + msg + "\n"txt+="URL: " + url + "\n"txt+="Line: " + l + "\n\n"txt+="Click OK to continue.\n\n"alert(txt)return true}

Can you fix the problem? I dunno how to do this...

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nice catch...i kept looking right at it and couldn't see it...i assume you noticed that the same error was repeated 4 more times.now i have a question...in the first line that generated the error, the quotes were handled correctly: '="'however, in the other lines, they appearned not to be: "=\"".yet, when i fixed the + omission errors, the code ran fine.how come? :)

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I had the problem when I put the "=\"" as the quote maker but when I got the error, I changed it to '="' but it didn't work. Now how I fix the problem? I have no idea... :)

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what browser are you trying it in? i fixed all of the quotes and have opened it in both firefox and ie with no problem.however, no matter what i enter, whenever i click the submit button, i always get a message box that says "undefined".any idea as to what's up?

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it's been a slow day so i've been fooling around with the code.fixed the various quote problems and == problems and added a line to write the results to the output box.see what you think.

<html><head><title>XML Builder</title><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=iso-8859-1" /><style type="text/css">body {background-color : #eeeeee;color : #002f88;font-family : verdana, sans-serif;font-size : 12px;}a {background-color : #eeeeee;color : #0000ff;}a:visited {background-color : #eeeeee;color : #0000ff;}a:hover {color : #000000;background-color : #ddddff;}h1 {font-size : 30px;text-align : center;font-weight : 900;}h2 {font-size : 25px;text-align : center;font-weight : 700;}h3 {font-size : 22px;font-weight : 600;}h4 {font-size : 20px;font-weight : 300;}h5 {font-size : 17px;font-weight : 200;}h6 {font-size : 16px;font-weight : 150;}ul.nomarkers {list-style-type : none;}  img {border : 0;}th{background-color:#404040;color:#00FF00}</style><script src="onerror.js" type="text/javascript"></script><script type="text/javascript"><!--function errorMessage(doesExist, caption){this.doesExist = doesExist;this.caption = caption;}function doXml(){// get valuesvar element = document.XmlForm.element.value;var attr1 = document.XmlForm.attr1.value;var attr2 = document.XmlForm.attr2.value;var attr3 = document.XmlForm.attr3.value;var attr4 = document.XmlForm.attr4.value;var attr5 = document.XmlForm.attr5.value;var value1 = document.XmlForm.value1.value;var value2 = document.XmlForm.value2.value;var value3 = document.XmlForm.value3.value;var value4 = document.XmlForm.value4.value;var value5 = document.XmlForm.value5.value;var inner = document.XmlForm.inner.value;// validate elementif(element == ""){ errorMessage.doesExist = 1 errorMessage.caption = "Your Xml element is not correct: \nYou have no element name!"}else if(element == "xml" || element == "XML" || element == "xMl" || element == "XMl" || element == "xmL" || element == "Xml" || element == "xMl" || element == "xML" || element == "XmL") // phew pretty long eh?{ errorMessage.doesExist = 1 errorMessage.caption = "Your Xml element is not correct: \nYou shall not use \"" + element + "\" in your element name"}if(errorMessage.doesExist == 1){ alert(errorMessage.caption);}var attrnbr = new Array();// let the comparation beginif(attr1 != ""){ attrnbr[1] = "true"}else{ attrnbr[1] = "false"}if(attr2 != ""){ attrnbr[2] = "true"}else{ attrnbr[2] = "false"}if(attr3 != ""){ attrnbr[3] = "true"}else{ attrnbr[3] = "false"}if(attr4 != ""){ attrnbr[4] = "true"}else{ attrnbr[4] = "false"}if(attr5 != ""){ attrnbr[5] = "true"}else{ attrnbr[5] = "false"}var str;str = "<" + elementif(attrnbr[1] == "true"){ str = str + " " str = str + attr1 + '="' str = str + value1 + '\"'}if(attrnbr[2] == "true"){ str = str + " " + attr2 + '=\"' + value2 + '\"'}if(attrnbr[3] == "true"){ str = str + " " + attr3 + '=\"' + value3 + '\"'}if(attrnbr[4] == "true"){ str = str + " " + attr4 + '=\"' + value4 + '\"'}if(attrnbr[5] == "true"){ str = str + " " + attr5 + '=\"' + value5 + '\"'}str = str + "></" + element + ">"document.XmlForm.output.value=str}// --></script></head><body><h1>XML Builder</h1><form name="XmlForm"><table border="1" ><tr><th colspan="4"><p>Please fill in the form</p></th></tr><tr><td><input type="text" name="element" /></td><td colspan="3"><p>Element</p></td></tr><tr><td><input type="text" name="attr1" /></td><td><p>Attribute 1</p></td><td><input type="text" name="value1" /></td><td><p>Value 1</p></td></tr></tr><tr><td><input type="text" name="attr2" /></td><td><p>Attribute 2</p></td><td><input type="text" name="value2" /></td><td><p>Value 2</p></td></tr></tr><tr><td><input type="text" name="attr3" /></td><td><p>Attribute 3</p></td><td><input type="text" name="value3" /></td><td><p>Value 3</p></td></tr></tr><tr><td><input type="text" name="attr4" /></td><td><p>Attribute 4</p></td><td><input type="text" name="value4" /></td><td><p>Value 4</p></td></tr></tr><tr><td><input type="text" name="attr5" /></td><td><p>Attribute 5</p></td><td><input type="text" name="value5" /></td><td><p>Value 5</p></td></tr><tr><td><input type="text" name="inner" /></td><td colspan="2"><p>InnerHtml</p></td><td><input type="button" onclick="doXml()" value="Submit" /></td></tr><tr><td colspan="4"><input type="text" name="output" size="70" /></td></tr></table></form></body></html>


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