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HTML form?


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I am making a html form, but the result (see attachment) is not good!What´s wrong in the code? <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN""http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> <HTML> <body> <form action="">Username: <input type="text" name="user" /><br />Password: <input type="password" name="password" /></form> <p><b>Note:</b> The characters in a password field are masked (shown as asterisks or circles).</p> </body> P. s. didn´t know that you have to click the button ´attach file´ </html>


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and what do you mean by not good? When you ask a question, can you articulate specifically what you are you trying to do, and what it isn't doing (that you want it to be doing), and of course what you've tried.

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and what do you mean by not good? When you ask a question, can you articulate specifically what you are you trying to do, and what it isn't doing (that you want it to be doing), and of course what you've tried.
If you open the attachement you´ll see what I mean! I´ve validated the form and I now know why I don´t like it! I don´t understand much of it! And (again!) isn´t there a validator which replies in ´normal´ language instead of all those technical details?
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After opening your file in notepad++, this is what I get. Is that what you're referring to Eduard?{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang3082{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Courier New;}{\f1\froman\fprq2\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}{\f2\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}}{\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN"\par"http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">\par\lang2057\f1\fs24\par<html>\par<body>\par\par<form action="form_action.asp">\parFirst name: <input type="text" name="FirstName" value="Mickey" /><br />\parLast name: <input type="text" name="LastName" value="Mouse" /><br />\par<input type="submit" value="Submit" />\par</form>\par\par<p>Click the "Submit" button and the input will be sent to a page on the server called "form_action.asp".</p>\par\par\lang3082 </body>\par</html>\par\f2\fs20\par}

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No, when I open this Notepad file (I also tried it in Word!) with Firefox, it opens as a html file, but NOT as a html form! P. s. I attached the file so you can see it!

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Thanks! Notepad ´si´, Wordpad ´no´!5 hours! Was it that difficult to mention that you cannot easily? save a html file with Wordpad (I have written that I needed it as soon as possible!)

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AND how the ######! are we supposed to know you used wordpad, as far as i know none of us has the capability to read your mind (urgh what a thought) and know how/what you used to create your html, there no mention of using wordpad in your first posting, you supplied html code, and attachment, no wait! you didn't supply attachment did you, SO the ONLY person that wasted time here was YOU.

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Ok, clear! P. s. I have learnt: ´were you´ not ´was you´, but I do not live in the U. K., so I shall be wrong!

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...Like dsone is saying, you MUST explain everything as well as you can. If you don't understand why something is doing something/isn't doing something then ASK in detail. 2nd - This forum isn't your personal script writing service, you need to ask a question so you can get an answer. Most of the time we will not just give you code. 3rd - Attached is the file you uploaded... without the /par all over the place. works just like it is supposed to so dunno what the problem is.


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...Like dsone is saying, you MUST explain everything as well as you can. If you don't understand why something is doing something/isn't doing something then ASK in detail. 2nd - This forum isn't your personal script writing service, you need to ask a question so you can get an answer. Most of the time we will not just give you code. 3rd - Attached is the file you uploaded... without the /par all over the place. works just like it is supposed to so dunno what the problem is.
3 * thanks!
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because this is a forum and people can post on it if their problem is similar to yours, in other words RizwanAhmedMemon had a html problem and you had a html problem also, therefore RizwanAhmedMemon can post it here instead of making a new thread understand?

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because this is a forum and people can post on it if their problem is similar to yours, in other words RizwanAhmedMemon had a html problem and you had a html problem also, therefore RizwanAhmedMemon can post it here instead of making a new thread understand?
Though, that's considered hijacking and is generally frowned upon. It is preferable for members to create new topics for their own issues.
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Though, that's considered hijacking and is generally frowned upon. It is preferable for members to create new topics for their own issues.
I wrote in the php forum that I won´t write anymore to W3Schools, but I´ll follow the advice you gave me last year: I´ll buy good books the things I´m studying: saves me a lot of time and anoyance!
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Though, that's considered hijacking and is generally frowned upon. It is preferable for members to create new topics for their own issues.
true true
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I wrote in the php forum that I won´t write anymore to W3Schools, but I´ll follow the advice you gave me last year: I´ll buy good books the things I´m studying: saves me a lot of time and anoyance!
Eureka!!! Books are priceless sources of info!
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Eureka!!! Books are priceless sources of info!
head first is a good one too "i perfer head first"
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The only real way to learn any language is to get stuck in, for every 50 mistakes you make, you'll have one moment of success! Slowly you learn the language by trial and error.

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I actually(physically) have that book. :) Pretty good book.
which one you have? i have the php and mysql so far i learn how to make a contact page, newsletter, blasting news to the people who subscribe and how to remove them BUTTTT i dont agree with how they remove the person who want to ops out
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