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Convert unix time from mysql DB to realtime


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I have a mysql database, where user activity is recorded. currently the data/time in database is displayed as 1334072381 How can i convert that specific date / time to realtime, so that it reads like 11 April 2012, 20:42:51 Currently I have a php page, that has lots of code, including this:

echo "<td align='center'>" . date('j F Y, H:i:s') . "</td>";

but for ALL users it displays the same time, even though i know, certain users was not active for at least a week... Any help?

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I am having some difficulty completely understanding what you said...


('j F Y, H:i:s')

are these two seperate parameters? If so, how do I tell date('j F Y, H:i:s') to convert 1334072381 to j F Y, H:i:s I have something in mind like this:

$acct_lastlogin_time = 'j F Y, H:i:s'; echo "<td align='center'>" . date($acct_lastlogin_time) . "</td>";

The table that contains the time values is acct_lastlogin_time without any conversion, i get this output


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are these two seperate parameters?
No, date is the name of the function you're calling and everything inside the quotes is the first parameter you're sending to the function. A second parameter would go after the first one, with a comma between them. date('j F Y, H:i:s', 1334072381)
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ah ok, that makes sense.almost there... could you possibly tell me how can i replace that 1334072381 with something that gets this number based on user id? Something like this...

$unixtime="SELECT acct_lastlogin_time FROM $db WHERE uid = '".$q."'";

I used this tutorial on w3scools

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http://www.w3schools.com/php/php_mysql_select.asphttp://www.w3schools.com/php/func_mysql_fetch_assoc.asp after that it should be a matter of accessing the index out of the returned results set, similar to the example that outputs the entire result
echo $result['acct_lastling_time'];


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it's not that hard, you just need to understand/follow the steps. Everything is in the links/tutorials. Make query (SELECT) to the table in the database (mysql_query). You then get a result set.From the result set, you have to extract the data out of it in a meaningful way, (mysql_fetch_assoc or mysql_fetch_array). Use array syntax to reference the member/key you are looking for.

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Took about a minute to make this, you can use this as reference, but this is pretty much what you need:

$sql ="SELECT acct_lastlogin_time FROM $db WHERE uid = '".$q."'";$qry = mysql_query($sql);$result = mysql_fetch_array($qry);echo date('j F Y, H:i:s', $result['acct_lastlogin_time']);

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