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vista windows 7


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I recently finished a basic course in html made my first site for a friend and it looked ok when i tried it in different browsers ie9,firefox.google etc.then when i bought a new laptop with windows 7 it did not look so good. I had used box and absolute for positioning but when i looked at it in windows 7 all the images were more to the left side if i move them to the centre they look wrong in vista or xp. what i would like to know is is it possible to place them in the centre and still put them as high or low as i want i asked the people at my tuition place about using tables but they said this was not recomended and advised me of this site.thanks mel

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Using position: absolute; is the problem, it should never, ever! be used for layout where float, margins, padding can be used instead. position: absolute; will position a element to a fixed distance from top, left edge (main problem), which is fine if every screen is a fixed size and resolution, but you are dealing with normal, wide screen, 800 to 1920+ resolutions, so what will look centred in 1024, will not in 1920px. It also is hidden from other element, so other elements can't know its height, width to move out its way, instead they will occupy the empty space it would have occupied.

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  • 2 weeks later...

so if i use float and margins is it possible to put several images on the left side and the same on the right would i use a div tag for each image? when i tried it before the images all lined up along the page the only way to stop this is to make the box wider ,would this be detrimental to the outcome.

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define left right columns with fixed width, then float these left and right respectively, place images in each. Images are inline by default, if two or more images are able fit the total width of these columns they will do so, but if you apply display block these images, they will stack above each other.

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