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My first mistake in LESS


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HTML files contains:

<!doctype html><html><head><link rel="stylesheet/css" type="text/css" href="style.less"><script type="text/javascript" src="less.js"></script></head> <body><h1> This is a header. </h1><p>Now this is paragraph.</p></body></html>

And my LESS file contains this:

h1 {font-size: 12px; /* Just trying to check */font-weight: bold;}

I know so I have less file before the less.js. But I am not able to see any change in header.

Edited by sntshkmr60
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Shame! Its sad to know that CSS forum don't know what LESS is! I think you also not be knowing about SASS!Both LESS and SASS were made to cut down the typing. You can find more at their website and the Wikipedia pages here and here respectively Research and give answer to my question.

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first time im hearing what less and sass 0.o what are they stand for? and your sounding very demanding :Pleased: im just saying, but ill check out what they are and think about helping if you rewrite that statement in a better way #imjustsaying

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LESS and SASS are libraries made by individuals and not any form of web standard. I do not need to know them. They also appear to have a serious drawback: they rely on Javascript to function. If Javascript is disabled on the browser, pages made with these languages will look very wrong. It seems that LESS does have a server-side version, though. If you're having trouble with these libraries, then it's probably best that you ask the library developers.

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Research and give answer to my question.
why don't you do it then? since you already know more than us. I would recommend you check out the documentation of the libraries that you are using first. They probably have forums and the like there that you can "demand" people to help you with on your issue. Edited by thescientist
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Sometimes small small mistakes are very frustrating. I was doing <link rel="stylesheet/css" type="text/css" href="style.less"> but I should have been done<link rel="stylesheet/less" type="text/css" href="style.less">

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