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google swiffy alternative


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It sounds like a really complex thing. I don't believe that all Flash documents can be converted to HTML 5. I wonder how it deals with shape tweening or movieclip hierarchy.

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From the FAQ here: https://www.google.com/doubleclick/studio/swiffy/faq.html

Which SWF features are supported by Swiffy?Swiffy supports many common SWF features such as vector graphics, embedded fonts, images and timeline animation. Basic ActionScript 2.0 code is supported, but don't expect to convert your favorite Flash game yet. Blend modes and parts of the ActionScript libraries are not supported. The Swiffy compiler will warn you when unsupported SWF features are encountered.
Supported SWF features:https://www.google.com/doubleclick/studio/swiffy/gettingstarted.html#support Supported Actionscript features:https://www.google.com/doubleclick/studio/swiffy/gettingstarted.html#actionscriptsupport Hopefully Google can make better progress than Adobe, Adobe's support in this area has been pretty awful. The only thing that can save the Flash platform is if Adobe's authoring tool can output to HTML5 without loss of functionality. It would become the premier HTML5 studio.
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