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As you maybe know is it very important for me to have work. I still receive money of my family, but it isn´t enough!In job ads they often ask Flash! Is it a good idea to download a try-out version of Flash, learning it and put some examples on my website (www.eduardlid.com)? Eduard LidMAC OS 10.4

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Flash is much more difficult than HTML and Javascript. If you can't handle HTML and Javascript, you won't be able to learn Flash.
For me the way in which Flash is written (more attractive examples) is easier to learn!Besides, you can´t compare it to HTML, because my circumstances have changed dramatically!But that wasn´t my queston!The question is: Is it a good idea?
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For me the way in which Flash is written (more attractive examples) is easier to learn!
You can't honestly say that until you've tried learning it. How do you know how easy or difficult it is if you haven't tried it? Just because it looks easy doesn't mean it is easy. And vice versa.
Besides, you can´t compare it to HTML, because my circumstances have changed dramatically!
Your circumstances have nothing to do with the relationship between HTML and Flash. Whether your circumstances are good or bad, Flash is still far more complicated than HTML.
The question is: Is it a good idea?
Sure. If that's what the job postings are asking for. It can't hurt, anyway.
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If you really think that it would be easier for you to learn Flash, and the client asks for it... why would it not be a good idea?Most of us wouldn't really be able to assist you with Flash questions, but if the point is to get some income by something that you can do yourself, and that something is Flash, so be it - go for it.

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sorry to say eduardlid, but what they saying is true, you html is a piece of cake compare to flash, javascript is easier also but when it comes to flash you really need to sit and learn it or your just going to end up having a headache

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You can't honestly say that until you've tried learning it. How do you know how easy or difficult it is if you haven't tried it? Just because it looks easy doesn't mean it is easy. And vice versa. I did something in Flash CS 3 Your circumstances have nothing to do with the relationship between HTML and Flash. Whether your circumstances are good or bad, Flash is still far more complicated than HTML. Certainly it does! HTML I learned (?) at places where I couldn´t concentrate! Sure. If that's what the job postings are asking for. It can't hurt, anyway.
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If you really think that it would be easier for you to learn Flash, and the client asks for it... why would it not be a good idea? Most of us wouldn't really be able to assist you with Flash questions, but if the point is to get some income by something that you can do yourself, and that something is Flash, so be it - go for it.
Ok, many thanks!
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