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Remove style.backgroundColor


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So here is my JS:

function hideShow(a) {a.innerHTML = a.innerHTML == "Row" ? "Row" : "Row";var show_hide_ref= a.parentNode.id.replace("row", "info");var show_hide = document.getElementById(show_hide_ref)show_hide.style.height == "100px" ? show_hide.style.height="1px" : show_hide.style.height="100px";show_hide.style.backgroundColor == "#ffffff" ? show_hide.style.backgroundColor="" : show_hide.style.backgroundColor="#ffffff";}

As you can see its a simple toggle, but for some reason it ignores the blank "" and keeps it white. Any ideas on how to just remove it? Thanks!

Edited by DarkxPunk
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It may be because the browser is returning the background color in rgb() format: rgb(255, 255, 255) You could simplify your expression to this:

show_hide.style.backgroundColor = (show_hide.style.backgroundColor == "#ffffff" ? "" : "#ffffff"); 

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Thanks for the simplified version. Yes it was exactly that. The browser was returning it as rgb which once I replaced it fixed it. Now will this work in all browsers you think? Here is the new JS:

function hideShow(a) {var show_hide_ref = a.parentNode.id.replace("row", "info");var show_hide = document.getElementById(show_hide_ref);show_hide.style.height = (show_hide.style.height == "20px" ? "1px" : "20px");show_hide.style.backgroundColor = (show_hide.style.backgroundColor == "rgb(255, 255, 255)" ? "" : "rgb(255, 255, 255)");}

Edited by DarkxPunk
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I'm not sure. Some browsers might return RGB while others return it exactly the same way as it was given. You could check for both #ffffff and rgb().Some people toggle the classname of an element rather than change the style.

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Toggling the class name is a interesting idea. Currently I just told it to use RGB so I think it will be alright. If I run into compatibility problems I will take my shot at the class toggling (JS is so confusing at times if you don't understand all the logic behind it) Thanks again Ingolme!

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All you have to do is use a variable to store and check the bg color value, if rgb convert to hex, and check this variable value

<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>  <meta charset="utf-8">  <title>LED</title>  <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/layout.css" type="text/css" media="screen" charset="utf-8">  <script type="text/javascript">/*<![CDATA[*//*---->*/function hideShow(a,e) {e.preventDefault();a.innerHTML = a.innerHTML == 'Show Info' ? 'Hide Info' : 'Show Info';var show_hide_ref= a.parentNode.id.replace("row", "info");var show_hide = document.getElementById(show_hide_ref)//show_hide.style.display = (show_hide.style.display == 'block' ? 'none' : 'block');var currentBG = show_hide.style.backgroundColor.toLowerCase();if(currentBG == "rgb(255, 255, 255)")    {    currentBG = "#ffffff";    }show_hide.style.backgroundColor = currentBG == "#ffffff" ? "red" : "#ffffff";}window.onload=function(){parent_elem=document.getElementById("pageWrap");child_div =parent_elem.getElementsByTagName("div");for(i=0; i<child_div.length;i++){if(child_div[i].className=="info"){child_div[i].style.backgroundColor="#ffffff";}}}/*--*//*]]>*/</script><style type="text/css">/*.info{display:none;}*/</style></head><body>  <div id="pageWrap">   <div class="row" id="row1">Row (<a href="#" onClick="hideShow(this,event)">Show Info</a>)</div>   <div class="row" id="row2">Row (<a href="#" onClick="hideShow(this,event)">Show Info</a>)</div>   <div class="row" id="row3">Row (<a href="#" onClick="hideShow(this,event)">Show Info</a>)</div>   <div class="row" id="row4">Row (<a href="#" onClick="hideShow(this,event)">Show Info</a>)</div>   <div class="info" id="info1">Info1</div>   <div class="info" id="info2">Info2</div>   <div class="info" id="info3">Info3</div>   <div class="info" id="info4">Info4</div>  </div></body></html>

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