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XML translation caused segmentation fault


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Hello, my following PHP code i.e. the last line causes a segmentation fault from time to time:

	$xml = new DOMDocument;	$xml->formatOutput = true;	$xml->load("xml/$hostname.log.xml");	$elements = $xml->getElementsByTagName("*");	foreach($elements as $element)	{	 $type = $element->getAttribute('type');	 $title = $element->getAttribute('title');	 if($type == 'comment' or $title == 'Installed Packages')	 {	  foreach($element->childNodes as $item)	  {	   if($item->nodeType == 4) // XML_CDATA_SECTION_NODE	   {		$cdataWrapper = $xml->createElement("wrapper", $item->nodeValue);		$element->parentNode->appendChild($cdataWrapper);	   }	  }	 }	}	$xsl = new DOMDocument;	$xsl->load("xml/wrapper.xsl");	$proc = new XSLTProcessor;	$proc->importStyleSheet($xsl);	print(trim($proc->transformToXML($xml))); // --> Might cause a segmentation fault

Instead of print I also tried echo. Then, I thought it might be a timing issue and thus, I added a usleep but this could not solve my problem. I also restarted the apache server and cleaned up the memory and swap without success. I'm able to call the page up to five times w/o having any problem but afterwards the segmentation fault is written to the apache error log and the HTML code following after the print is not displayed anymore. I'm using Apache/2.2.22 (Unix) PHP/5.4.0 with libxml 2.7.8 and libxslt 1.1.26 as well on a Linux platform. Any help is highly appreciated! PS: The wrapper is used to additional encapsulate CDATA blocks to be able to address them separately within a wrapper tag. For more details about the wrapper see my other post "How to address CDATA blocks".

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Could you possibly upgrade PHP? Segfaults are typically a C related problem that can't easily be diagnosed from higher levels like XML/XSLT/PHP. There is a new libxml version (2.8.0), and chances are the latest PHP includes that latest libxml.If even that doesn't help, you'll have to reduce the example a little (hardcode the XML file, make both the XML and XSLT as small as possible, as long as they still keep segfault-ing, remove the trim and formatOutput if they don't have anything to do with this), and submit a bug report to PHP and/or to libxml.

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Thanks, boen_robot! We installed the new PHP version 5.4.5 and are going to install the new libxml2 version 2.8.0 soon. Anyway, I found a workaround i.e. now I save the modified XML file first, open the saved XML file and do the transformation finally. Here is the modified code snippet:

    $xml = new DOMDocument;    $xml->formatOutput = true;    $xml->load("xml/$hostname.log.xml");    $elements = $xml->getElementsByTagName("*");    foreach($elements as $element)    {	 $type = $element->getAttribute('type');	 $title = $element->getAttribute('title');	 if($type == 'comment' or $title == 'Installed Packages')	 {	  foreach($element->childNodes as $item)	  {	   if($item->nodeType == 4) // XML_CDATA_SECTION_NODE	   {	    $cdataWrapper = $xml->createElement("wrapper", $item->nodeValue);	    $element->parentNode->appendChild($cdataWrapper);	   }	  }	 }    }    // WA for segmentation fault starts here ...    $xml->save("xml/$hostname.wrapper.xml");    $xml = new DOMDocument;    $xml->formatOutput = true;    $xml->load("xml/$hostname.wrapper.xml");    // WA for segmentation fault ends here ...    $xsl = new DOMDocument;    $xsl->load("xml/wrapper.xsl");    $proc = new XSLTProcessor;    $proc->importStyleSheet($xsl);    print(trim($proc->transformToXML($xml))); // --> Might cause a segmentation fault

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