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problem with checking a value within in a form is a number in a set range


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Trying to write a script that will check the value in the form is a number between the range of 1 to 99999. 1) The script work mostly except for two things if you put a number then letter it won’t detect that you entered letters as well as numbers 2) I want it to run the script on onblur event, however every time I try the script does not work at all. Did study java years and year ago and found I forgotten most things if people can point out where I am going wrong would be very greatful

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head><meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type" /><title>Please enter your age</title><script language="JavaScript1.2">function checknumber(){var x=document.checknum.pnum.value/*does it contain non digits */var anum=/(^\D+$)|(^\D+\.\D+$)/if (anum.test(x)){alert("Please input a valid Runner ID between 1 to 99999 !")testresult=false}/*is it above 99999*/else if (x > 99999){alert("Please input a valid Runner ID between 1 to 99999 !")testresult=false}/*is it below 1*/else if (x < 1){alert("Please input a valid Runner ID between 1 to 99999 !")testresult=false}return (testresult)}</script></head><body><form name="checknum" onSubmit="return checknumber()">Please input a valid Runner ID between 1 to 99999:<input type="text" name="pnum" onchange="checknumber()"><input type="submit" value="Submit"></form></body></html>

Many Thanks Damien

Edited by CobraSW
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What's your console telling you? Also, you can put an alert() at the top of your function and start your debugging from their. Also, it's important to know java has no connection to javascript as a coding language.

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Use getElementById, and id ref to target input element, if single alert message apply it at end if validation is false, if multiple validation messages required, concatenate each message and again show at end.

function checknumber(){/*var x=document.checknum.pnum.value*/var testresult = true;var x=document.getElementById("pnum");if(isNaN(x.value)){testresult=false;}/*does it contain non digits */var anum=/(^\D+$)|(^\D+\.\D+$)/if (anum.test(x.value)){testresult=false;}/*is it above 99999*/else if (x.value > 99999){testresult=false;}/*is it below 1*/else if (x.value < 1){testresult=false;}if(!testresult){alert("Please input a valid Runner ID between 1 to 99999 !")}return (testresult)}

<form name="checknum" onSubmit="return checknumber()">Please input a valid Runner ID between 1 to 99999:<input type="text" id="pnum" name="pnum" onchange="checknumber()"><input type="submit" value="Submit"></form>

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