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[solved] controlling word wraping


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I am trying to take some control of where some text in a li wraps. Here is what I want to do. It is a typical set of tags and each tag has an X icon for deleting that tag. so it takes this form

		   <div id="tags_text" style="display:none;">				<ul class="profile_tag_list" data-bind="template: {foreach: data()[0].add_tags(), name:'add_TagsTemplate'}">				</ul>			</div>

<script type="text/x-jquery-tmpl" id="add_TagsTemplate">	<li id='${atag}' class='tags_li'>${atag}<span class='tags_li' style='margin-right:5px;margin-left:3px;'><img src='images/tag_erase.png' class='tag_erase' onclick='removeTagProfile("${atag}")'style="cursor: pointer;"></span></li></script>

Now the behavior I want is to wrap the whole tag if the little X icon will not also fit on the line. ideally the full tag and the X would stay on the line, but most important really is that the last word and the X would be on the same line i.e. tag 1 X tag 2 X The thirdtag X would be OK, but thistag 1 X tag 2 X The third tagX would not be OK ideally tag 1 X tag 2 XThe third tag X would work. I have tried putting it all in one li to see if there is any way I can make that whole li warp as if it was one long word. But have no idea how to achieve it. Any suggestions or solutions appreciated

Edited by wongadob
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Put each tag and X together within an inline element, like <span> and set the white-space property to "nowrap"

<span class="together">Tag1 <img alt="X"></span> <span class="together">Tag2 <img alt="X"></span> <span class="together">Tag3 <img alt="X"></span> .together {    white-space: nowrap;}

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