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Website Development and Design Critique (Happy Holidays!)


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Greetings everyone! I just poured my life into a programming tutorial and reference website for beginners I was wondering what you all thought of the design, content, and structure of the website. The website is www.afterhoursprogramming.com. I am still not quite finished with adding all of the features that I would like, but it is complete for serving as yet another tutorial and reference website for web programmers. We can just never have enough of those :) Thank you for reading this post and I hope you have an awesome day!

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I was wondering what you all thought of the design, content, and structure of the website.
I think it looks quite spiffy, but why doesn't it seem to center in the window? It creates too much left margin.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks a lot Coaxsist for the fieldset catch. I have built my own CMS that does miss a few things :Pleased: I am glad you enjoy it. That is precisely what I intended it to be. I want to speak as plain as possible and have the tutorials flow as if I am talking to you. I always wanted to be taught that way.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Nice Website dude. I' am definitely bookmarking that site so I can learn more. Of course I'll never abandon my precious (smeagel voice) W3Schools.com hahaha.

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