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PHP Config edit


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Is it possible to edit certain part of PHP config page and get the certain value from it. Example i have config file (i know it would not work since no actual code but i think you will get my point here). So im wondering is it possible change CONSTRUCTION = false part to true with PHP whitout editing rest of the file or keeping rest of the file same? OLD

1: SQL2: SQL-DB-SELECT3: SECURITY4: CONSTRUCTION = false5: FOOTER  = "© 2012" . $website


1: SQL2: SQL-DB-SELECT3: SECURITY4: CONSTRUCTION = true5: FOOTER  = "© 2012" . $website

Edited by Mudsaf
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Could you give me small example like script.php

<?php//Code here?>

example.php file with data

1: potato2: carrot 3: tomato

And change the line to

1: potato 2: slenderman3: tomato

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As hinted by kanchatchai, there isn't exactly a native way of reading and writing configuration.There are however various libraries that allow you to store configuration in various formats, such as PEAR::Config or Zend\Config.If you want to avoid using libraries, the easiest way is to store the configuration in an array. Use something like

file_put_contents('config.php', '<?php return ' . var_export($config, true));

to write the file, and simply use

$config = include 'config.php';

to read it.Manipulate it as you would any other array.

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As hinted by kanchatchai, there isn't exactly a native way of reading and writing configuration. There are however various libraries that allow you to store configuration in various formats, such as PEAR::Config or Zend\Config. If you want to avoid using libraries, the easiest way is to store the configuration in an array. Use something like
file_put_contents('config.php', '<?php return ' . var_export($config, true));

to write the file, and simply use

$config = include 'config.php';

to read it. Manipulate it as you would any other array.

thanks for advice boen_robot
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You can also use simplexml to parse config files in XML which is more readable and covenient for complex config files (nested config)http//php.net/simplexml

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