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Boilerplate code?


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Might be nice if each tutorial ended with some practical boilerplate code, or maybe that would be included in the reference section? As an example of what annoys me the W3Schools Javascript tutorial encourages the use of inline Javascript mixed right into the HTML -- but a proper boilerplate example could demonstrate that no mixing is necessary. --edit Also document.write() is used repeatedly in the tutorial. Is this really a good idea? It is not allowed in XHTML yet this is not mentioned here: http://www.w3schools.com/html/html_xhtml.asp Also this XHTML intro neglects to mention the need for CDATA commenting of the script section. --edit Also Javascript is very commonly used for input validation -- but although W3Schools has dozens of Javascript examples I could not find any good example of input validation.[correction: I did find this: http://www.w3schools.com/js/js_form_validation.asp ]

Edited by davej
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