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positive site criticism needed


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Hey Baragan! Here are a few suggestions from me. The Navigation

  • Seems very odd how there is about 50px of space to the left and a huge chuck of space to the right. Just not balanced well.
  • The hover effect isn't elegant enough. May sound weird, but the background color change just doesn't fit, nor look that professional.


  • I actually like the template of the content pages. (About, Contact, Testimonial, etc.)
  • However, I do not like the home page. Very block-y, not spaced out, seems really crammed.
  • The testimonial pages yellow background color is very hash on the eyes, really bright. Why not just used that nice grey you use on the contact page?


  • Not bad actually, the simplistic of it is nice. However, I would just move the copyright text to align left like the links do.
  • Also, try lining up the "Follow Us:" text on the right, so it lines up with the links on the left. Then, drop the facebook and twitter images underneath the "Follow Us:" text.

Other than that, it is really isn't have bad for a new developer! It is very simplistic, which isn't bad, but it has a 2000 era feel of design. But, you'll get the hang of your own design and such.

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Thanks alot for the critique. I am correcting the site right now and i'll update in a few. The bg color you are talking about is the links'(home. About us etc) right? I have been having an akward feeling about the home page lol now i know why any suggestions on the home page arrangment. Regarding the links if i make the left and the right margin equal will it do the trick? Thanks

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Maybe, I think you should just make it so when a link in the nav is hovered over the text color changes, not the background-color.As for the layout of the home page, just add more spacing, maybe 2 sections per row. Like Sponsorship and Scholarships on one row, then push the other two to a new row below.

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Only thing that caught my eyes was email displaying normally, you might want to edit it bit to prevent email spam systems. Not an actual error but small notice comes from website.

FB.getLoginStatus() called before calling FB.init().

Downloads page gets straight to pdf file (I just personally dont like this)

http://www.headstartafricafoundation.org/terms.php = empty

http://www.headstartafricafoundation.org/bursary_application_form.pdf  = Dead link (Linked from news page)
http://www.headstartafricafoundation.org/twitter.com/headstartAfrika = Twitter link from footer is dead

jQuery could get updated (using: 1.6.4, latest: 1.9.1) Else very good site :)

Edited by Mudsaf
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