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Form problems


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Ok I' ve studied PHP online for about 3 weeks now, and went through some online tutorials through http://www.afterhoursprogramming and I know the stuff on there is valid because it matches up with W3SCHOOL.COM and php.net, and others. However, I' am having a problem with forms. Here is the HTML side

<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>input[type="text"]{  width:150px;  display:block;  margin-bottom:10px;  background:yellow;}input[type="password"]{  width:150px;  display:block;  margin-bottom:10px;  background:red;}input[type="submit"]{  width:150px;  height:100px;  line-height:100px;  background:black;  color:white;}</style><meta http-equiv="Content" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/><title>Web Form 1</title></head><body><h1>Web Form</h1><form action="php-form1.php" method="post">  <label>User Name: <input type="text" name="un"/>  </label><br>  <label>Password: <input type="password" name="pw"/>  </label><br>  <input type="submit" value="Send Information" name="sender"/></form></body></html>

and here is the PHP script

<?php# simple php script for a Web Form// this script is used in combination  with my form1.html$userName;$passWord;if(isset($_POST['sender'])){$userName=$_POST["un"];$passWord=$_POST["pw"];}echo $userName . " is your username and " . $passWord . "  is your password";?>

I would also like to mention that I' am using XAMMP , and the apache wasn't able to use my PORT 80, so I changed it to port 8080 and 443, basic PHP scripts are able to run, but whenever I try this it doesn't. Also the PHP file and the HTML file of the code I posted above are in the same folder. Sorry once again for the newbie question. Please help. Oh also when I run the program, it says error on Line 14 (where the echo function is at).

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try to var_dump($_POST) and see what data the script actually receives. Note that expressions like $userName; don't do anything. The error you're getting on 14 probably means $userName isn't set to anything. If it should have a default value, assign it something

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try to var_dump($_POST) and see what data the script actually receives. Note that expressions like $userName; don't do anything. The error you're getting on 14 probably means $userName isn't set to anything. If it should have a default value, assign it something
Maybe I should set $userName = $_POST["un]; Because I know that the first two variables are undefined since I didn't assign a value to them, but later I assign them a value, but I will try what you recommended.
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Ok I just tried the Code out without the var_dump at 000webhost.com where I host my websites, and it worked, I think there's a problem with my XAMMP (even though it runs simple php programs correctly). I will do more research on the VAR_DUMP though cause was trying to figure out where to put it Hahaha. Yep I' am a Noob.

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