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problem with vertical images

Luca Crippa

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Hi! I have this script, which takes a folder of photo in order to create a photogallery.

<script type="text/javascript">	$(function(){		$('#screenshotGallery').galleryView({			panel_width: 637,			panel_height: 358,			frame_width: 100, 			frame_height: 54, 			show_filmstrip_nav: true,			show_infobar: true		});	});</script>

The problem is that a vertical image doesn't seem to be accepted, because this script deforms it to an horizontal image.

Is there a script that automatically takes a vertical image and adds to it two black lateral bands, literally trasforming it in a "false" horizontal image?


Thank you!

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Now, just to finish my script:

<?php 	// Definizione dei path	$path_gall = '../public/gallery';		$dirs = scandir($path_gall);foreach ($dirs as $cartella) {	if($cartella == '.' || $cartella == '..') { continue; }	$name = $cartella;		$name = str_replace("_", " ", $name); // risostituisco gli underscore con gli spazi	$name = str_replace("!a!", ", ", $name); // metto la virgola e lo spazio tra anno e mese	$name = str_replace("!b!", " - ", $name); // metto il - tra anno e titolo	$path_cart = "$path_gall/$cartella";	$inner = scandir($path_cart);			echo "<a name = "$cartella"></br></br>";	echo "<h5>$name</h5></br>";	echo "<div style="width: 640px;">";	echo "<ul id="screenshotGallery">";		foreach ($inner as $photo) {		if($photo == '.' || $photo == '..') { continue; }	        echo "<li><img src="$path_cart/$photo" /></li>";                	}		echo "</ul></div></br></br>";	}?>

I have this script, which takes all my photo folders and prints it on separate galleries. How can I insert an if statement that controls if the folder is empty in order to avoid to create the relative gallery?

The problem is that every folder is not really empty, in fact there are certainly the "." and the ".." folders!

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Instead of using echo statements for all of the HTML, build the HTML content in a variable. You can use a variable to keep track of whether you've found a valid file, and after the inner loop you can check that variable before echoing the HTML content.

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Instead of using echo statements for all of the HTML, build the HTML content in a variable. You can use a variable to keep track of whether you've found a valid file, and after the inner loop you can check that variable before echoing the HTML content.

This will help me to select empty folders in order to not display them?

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<?php 	// Paths	$path_gall = '../public/gallery';		$dirs = scandir($path_gall);foreach ($dirs as $cartella) {	if($cartella == '.' || $cartella == '..') { continue; }	$name = $cartella;	        // Creating the layout of the name of the gallery	$name = str_replace("_", " ", $name); 	$name = str_replace("!a!", ", ", $name); 	$name = str_replace("!b!", " - ", $name);	$path_cart = "$path_gall/$cartella";	$inner = scandir($path_cart);		$gallery = "<a name = "$cartella"></br></br>				<h5>$name</h5></br>				<div style="width: 640px;">				<ul id="screenshotGallery">			foreach ($inner as $photo) {				if($photo == '.' || $photo == '..') { continue; }	        		echo "<li><img src="$path_cart/$photo" /></li>                				}				</ul></div></br></br>						";		if (!empty($path_cart)) {		echo $gallery;	}	}?>

Not working! Not showing photos!

Edited by Luca Crippa
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<?php 	// Definizione dei path	$path_gall = '../public/gallery';		$dirs = scandir($path_gall);foreach ($dirs as $cartella) {	if($cartella == '.' || $cartella == '..') { continue; }			$name = $cartella;				$name = str_replace("_", " ", $name); // risostituisco gli underscore con gli spazi		$name = str_replace("!a!", ", ", $name); // metto la virgola e lo spazio tra anno e mese		$name = str_replace("!b!", " - ", $name); // metto il - tra anno e titolo				$path_cart = "$path_gall/$cartella";		$inner = scandir($path_cart);		foreach ($inner as $photo) {			if($photo == '.' || $photo == '..') { continue; }			$gallery1 = "<center><a name = "$cartella"></br></br>				<h5>$name</h5></br>				<div style="width: 640px;">				<ul id="screenshotGallery">						"<li><img src="$path_cart/$photo" /></li> 				</ul></div></br></br> </center>               				}";			}		if (!empty($path_cart)) {		echo $gallery1;	}	}?>

This is working. I didn't understand what was your point, but I'm fine :P

Thank you!

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