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Center flexible image inside div container


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Can anyone help me with this?

I want an image to be in the center of the screen inside a div wrap. The image needs to be flexible when the window sizes.

What I have at the moment is just about right except that the image is getting cut off a bit on the right side....


I had it working with the image on its own but I now have a need to have that inner div there in order to put an 'after' on it later.

.show {  position:fixed;  overflow:hidden;  left:0px;  top:0px;  height:100%;  width:100%;  z-index:10;  text-align:center;  vertical-align: middle;}.show div {  display:inline-block;  margin:10%;  vertical-align: middle;  border:3px solid red;  overflow:hidden;}.show img {  vertical-align: middle;  position:relative;  border:8px solid #ffffff;  width:100%;  height:auto;}.helper {    display: inline-block;    height: 100%;    vertical-align: middle;}
<div id="zoomcontainer" class="show">  <div>    <img id="zoom" alt="Enlarged Image" src="http://winniecooper.net/flores/pics/snow%20umbrella.jpg"/>  </div>  <span class="helper"></span></div>
Edited by eiranix
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