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Disabling Radio Problem


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This is my radio disabling function.

<script>function disableElement(){var dis = '<?php echo $dis_value; ?>';document.getElementById(dis).disabled=true;}</script>

And I will call it when the page is loaded!

<body onLoad="disableElement()">

And the radio button is displayed through loop..!

echo '<form method="post" action="trainingserver.php">';$i = 1;while($i <= $num_rows){echo '<input type="radio" id="dis"'.$i.'"" name="select" value="'.$i.'" />';echo  $poke[$i]."<br>";echo 'Level:'.$level[$i]."<br>";echo 'Health:'.$health[$i]."<br>";$i++;}echo '<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Select Pokemon!" />';echo '</form>';

So the radio ids would be like: dis1,dis2 ... dis6


But its not disabling it...! I think its because of the while loop, I used..! what should I do..?

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Yaa! I worked on it..! and fortunately got solved!

Problem was in id in form:


I have a question now..can I maintain this disabled radio even after reload??

Coz now it gets disabled but after reload again gets enabled..!

I googled it and got something like I have to use localstorage ??!!

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In order for Javascript to remember anything you need to use either cookies (compatible with the widest range of browsers) or local storage.

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You are creating what seems to be a Php-centric page. When and why do you decide to disable the radio button? If you have already decided to disable it when Php is rendering the page then I don't know why you need to pass the task to Javascript.

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There would be 6 radio...each representing a pokemon...which is to be used! so basically all 6 radios would be enabled!

Once a pokemon is killed, i.e. health <=0 ..... the corresponding radio will be disabled..! Therefore user cannot use it again, as its killed!


So I need to store it in the cookie...!And also there are 5 more pokemons... I will also require to store all those in the cookie.

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Ever since this discussion started you have not made a clear delineation between the role of the client and the role of the server. When a "pokemon" is "killed" doesn't the server need to record this?

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Yes! I have already handled the server... the health reduction and other calculations are set..!

<script>function disableElement(){var dis = '<?php echo $dis_value; ?>';document.getElementById(dis).disabled=true;}</script>

You see the variable $dis_value , passed to the javascript variable when the health of the pokemon is <= 0.

This $dis_value will consisting the value, which is also the ID="" of the radio, which is to be disabled!


I just want to know the proper format or syntax, that I should use to save the state of disabled radio in cookie so that it maintains it futher...!

Edited by shreyaskudav
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Yeah but why not simply have Php do it?

if ($disabled[$i]){echo '<input type="radio" id="dis"'.$i.'"" name="select" value="'.$i.'" disabled />';}else{echo '<input type="radio" id="dis"'.$i.'"" name="select" value="'.$i.'" />';}
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