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help with flash movie 2


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I have made a video flash to my site that I'm building with scenes and the scenes navigation is with actionscript2 how can do with actionscript3 with buttons play, stop, forwerd, and back, and how can the noise of the sound not to be loud of all scene more or less (I did not put sound in every scene because it makes noise i want to put in every scene and work good) what to do and is there a guide to know how you can put actionscript3 in sceness with codesnippets that (i learn with codesnippets) but I don't know how to do it and because of that i was doing with actionscript 2

what to do?


thanks galia.

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Sorry to say that this forums does not support flash. But utilize might get better help on the site it self; adobe's site that is.

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